Weird Excuse of the Day

So Lord Taylor has taken a tumble –  from the lofty red benches of the Lords to slopping out and porridge in gaol. He claimed the expenses were in lieu of a salary, which is a pretty poor excuse. Oh, but that isn’t the weird excuse, it was his legal team claiming that he shouldn’t be sent down that came up with this little gem:

His legal team argued that he should not face prison because, as a peer, his crimes were less serious than those of MPs found guilty over their expenses.

Is this like, less serious fraud as in less serious rape, then?

On a more serious note, I am currently earning little more than minimum wage for a part time, dead-end job while I rebuild my life. I never forget that it is people like me who pay for these leeching bastards.


  1. Most preposterous statement since high-profile mortgage broker Melanie Biehn insisted that home repossession was ‘even more distressing’ for the wealthy or aspirational ‘because of the previous perception of wealth’.

  2. Wow! Don’t these people have editors to advise them of just how they come across?

    Or, maybe they do, and these editors despise them utterly?

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