Organised Fun, the Sequel

Following my moan the other day, there have been developments. The planned event is to be during a shift rather than at the end, so quietly making my excuses and leaving at the end of my shift was not to happen. However, on the bright side, the event is going to be on a day when I’m not working.

D’y’know, I think maybe there is a god after all…. :mrgreen:


  1. Result!

    I’ve been wondering, since your previous piece on this, just how many people actually want to attend these things. Is it a case of the Emperor’s new clothes, with almost everyone pretending to have fun while actually wishing they were at home?

  2. And, of course, if you do get dragged into this sort of thing, having warned everyone, that it’s a waste of time, you can always bugger the games up – there are always creative ways to crash these things…..

    Reminds me of (ugh, shudder) school sports.
    Just walk down the running track – they get SO annoyed…..
    I can still bugger any footie game by demanding an endless re-run of an explanation of the offside rule, until they eff off elsewhere….

  3. I used to be a deliberate pain when thy forced me onto the football pitch. I would just stand there and if the ball came my way, I would step aside and let it pass. The complainers had only themselves to blame. I told them repeatedly that I didn’t like football and would not take part.

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