Someone Gets it

Again, h/t Angry Exile. Garry Reynolds writing in his blog understands freedom of speech.

Mr Reynolds, Highland Council’s events and promotions manager, put his thoughts on the Top Gear star’s thoughts on a website.

He said: “I have decided that if I am ever put in charge that I would like to line all the UK’s copycat complainers up against a wall, tell them that I have had enough, and shoot them myself.”

Mr Reynolds, who joined the strikes last week, then joked: “Of course, that is a joke, I don’t own a gun, never want to, and would rather use a sledgehammer.”

“The reason why I want rid of these people is simple. Just as I take the freedom to walk across a picket line as seriously as the right to stand on one, the freedom to express jokes and opinions is very dear to me.”

“The moment creativity is constrained by the opinions and values of copycat complainers, religious fanatics or people trying to sell newspapers, we are in seriously deep trouble.”

Naturally, Mr Reynolds is now in the firing line of the perpetually humourless offence takers with the usual calls for him to be silenced for making comments that are “deplorable” “aggressive”and “unacceptable”. There are the usual calls for someone to do something about Mr Reynolds for daring to voice an unpopular –  but necessary –  opinion.

One public sector worker, who did not wish to be named, said the comments by Mr Reynolds were ‘aggressive’ and ‘deplorable’.
He demanded Highland Council take actions and claimed the comments contravened the council’s advice on violence at work.

“I would hope his employers and the hosts of his blog consider appropriate actions.”

The appropriate action being to tell this public sector worker to fuck off and grow a pair.

And, I guess, equally naturally, the cretins who infest the Telegraph’s comments threads don’t get it, either…

We’re doomed…

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