Muff March

You can always rely on CiF for a taste of the absurd. Today, it is a muff march against the evils of cosmetic surgery and pornography. Because, you see, pornography is responsible for women going under the knife to get designer vaginas. The mind boggles. I can’t say what a designer vagina is supposed to be, but it seems that the world of porn is demanding yes, that’s right, demanding that these women with more money than sense have the snip. Never mind that they have free will and the wherewithal to pay for it, no this is no different to enforced female circumcision.

The whole rant was little more than the usual feminazi litany of pet hates –  I was only mildly surprised that men and misogyny didn’t get a mention. After all, it is all those men dribbling over the perfect porno vagina who are doing all this demanding… Isn’t it?

I suspect, though, that the reality is, the vast majority of us, men and women alike, hadn’t given it a thought.

I like this, though:

We don’t buy the neoliberal rhetoric that insists this issue is not political because women “freely choose” to get procedures like this done.

See, we don’t have free will. We are all so weak minded that we fall for the advertising that is thrust at us, like smokers, drinkers, salad dodgers and so on. Therefore, it has to be closed down, because, you see, the customer isn’t right and isn’t making a free choice. Women need the muff marchers to make their decisions for them, it seems.


  1. Unlovely Rosie Mockett,
    Decided to let off a rocket
    By making a flap
    about some old claptrap
    To do with her clown’s pocket.

  2. A strident young gal at the Graun
    said “your vagina is rather torn
    but don’t get it mended
    or otherwise tended
    cos you’re only encouraging porn”

  3. @Thornavis

    There’s a torrent out there of ‘Perfect Vagina’.

    I recommend that you see it, not just for the gratuitous vulval action, but to help you believe your old man isn’t quite as ugly as you think he is.

    One of my friends just had a procedure because he suffered from phimosis. It was highly unpleasant, and quacks being quacks this days, they gave him pissweak painkillers. He had to endure it, though.

    If you’ve ever had, say, curtains that are too long and pick up all the lint from the carpet, wouldn’t you have them hemmed up?

    Ode to Rosie Mockett:
    Does your vag hang low
    Does it wobble to and fro
    Can you tie it in a knot
    Can you tie it in a bow
    Can you hand it over your shoulder
    like a continental soldier
    Doe your vag hang low?

    In which case have some vaginoplasty and if they trimmed enough off, she’d cease to exist.

  4. I can now say I can die in peace because I’ve now heard everything. This action is absurd and your sarcasm is completely appropriate. I agree with you 100%

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