
Via ManWiddecombe, this wonderful example of political idiocy.

The Government does not want to be “killjoys” but has to act against excessive alcohol consumption, claims health minister Anne Milton.

Actually, no, it doesn’t. Alcohol consumption has been falling for the past decade or so. So, no need for any government intervention. And, indeed, even if it wasn’t falling, it is nothing to do with the government. It is not their job to make decisions on our behalf about what we imbibe and how much.

“I would like to say congratulations to the industry. We are working in a very, very cynical environment at the moment where nobody believes we can do anything on alcohol consumption unless we price it out of the market. Finland would suggest that doesn’t work.”

It is also illegal. As for what they can do –  well, they can do an awful lot if they chose to do so, but should exercise restraint and do nothing –  because, you see, what we imbibe and how much is none of their damned business.

She added: “As a government we do not want to be killjoys but we do have some health problems. We do have a problem with alcohol but it is complicated.”

No, it is not complicated. It is remarkably simple. Indeed, so simple even a politician should be able to grasp the concept –  it is none of their damned business what we imbibe or how much. And, as consumption has already shown a decline, there is nothing that needs to be done anyway.

“One of the difficulties at the moment is actually getting out in the press exactly what the figures bear out. Over half of people do not drink above the Government’s recommended guidelines and in fact 12-15% abstain all together,” she said. “The problem we have is around people who do drink to excess – so when they drink we need them to drink less alcohol in every pint.”

So, on the one hand, most people do not actually exceed the entirely fictitious, made-up, junk science recommended amounts, so there isn’t really a problem, but a few do and do have a problem. Well, blow me down. This has always been the case and always will be the case, no matter what government does. The responsibility for managing it lies with the individual drinking to excess. There is nothing anyone else can do as anyone who has had even a cursory passing experience of alcohol addiction will attest. As an aside, I’d love to know how they will drink less alcohol in every pint unless they start drinking Kaliber.

So, once again, we have politicians poking about in a non-problem, making ill-conceived pronouncements and trying to solve that which does not need solving and, more importantly, is none of their damned business.


  1. The stupid cow just wants something to do. She is too cretinous to see that she is redundant – a waste of money, oxygen and space.

  2. We know exactly the kind of dumb cow she is.

    I once had occassion to seach someones house in Kiel. With me were two collegues.

    As we went onto the balcony, there were three empty beer bottles. Obviously old, being full of dust, and a third of their height buried under old leaves.

    One of the dumb bitch collegues, in FULL seriousness; “Oh….an alcoholic!”

    THAT is the “thought” pattern we are fighting.

    Me? I would willingly shoot the cow in the stomach. (Long, sloooow death, and PAINFUL in the extreem,. apparantly.)

  3. “One of the dumb bitch collegues, in FULL seriousness; “Oh….an alcoholic!””

    An alcoholic being no doubt defined as ‘someone who drinks more than me’ to her?

  4. Oh…we’re going to go down the “Health” route ?

    Ok….it has proven time and again to be extremely detrimental to someone’s health…nay, fatal…to be around someone drunk and hell-bent on kicking the shit out of anyone that strays into their field of vision.

    Evidence of such is easily extrapolated from UK court records under “Mitigation”.

    Come on now…do it properly or don’t do it at all. 😐

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