You want to be in the EU, therefore you abide by the rules and that means, not breaking EU law.
The government is proposing a minimum price of 40p per unit of alcohol in England and Wales in an effort to “turn the tide” against binge drinking.
You bunch of cretinous control freaks. If ever there was evidence that there is no difference between the three major parties this idiotic incentive to take a booze cruise, is it. Wankers.
And let us not forget, as our moronic politicians seem to on a regular basis, alcohol consumption in the UK is falling and has been for some time.
Arseholes, the lot of them.
Let’s not forget that the politicians have very well subsidised bars in the House of Commons. And we know that they’re not above getting smashed and ending up being arrested.
There are plenty of existing laws to deal with the idiots that can’t control their booze anyway. We don’t need minimum pricing – just a police force and justice system that do the jobs they’re paid to do.
“Wankers” “Arseholes, the lot of them”
Would I be correct in thinking you’re a teensy weeny bit angry?
“You want to be in the EU, therefore you abide by the rules and that means, not breaking EU law”
But we could play the rules to suit, as many of our EU “partners” do. So first we need to destroy the Civil Service bastards who enforce & gold-plate every stupid bit of legislation.
You noticed? Quite apart from it being illegal under EU law, the EU they are so keen on, it is highly illiberal, and, most importantly, what we drink, how much we drink and the price we pay for it is nothing to do with the role of government.
These people are supposed to be conservatives – ha! They are the same nasty control freaks as the cretins on the opposition benches.
I doubt that HMG is going to see much of my home alcohol duty in future.
Despite going to France for holidays, I don’t bring much back. What with tying up money, storage, and the sort of multibuys at Majestic, it’s hardly worth doing it. I pick up half a dozen bottles and that’s about it.
But if they’re going to ban multibuys, then my wine is going to go up in price. It’s going to be worth me filling the boot up in Le Harve.
Also, that Conservative doctor (who I reckon will find herself back in a GPs office after the next election) completely misunderstands how multibuys operate. It isn’t much of a loss-leader for the store – the wine producer takes a bit of the hit on the price in exchange for increased prominence and sales.
Watch this space: the next big thing in middle-class hobbies could be home brewing.
I do homebrewing on and off. It is quite a bit of effort and when canned beer is so cheap it hardly seems worth it. Bring in minimum pricing and the SG micro brewery is going to move to maximum production mode. Of course, once I have unlimited quantities of beer permanently on tap, I do tend to drink more. That was the idea right?
Quite a lot of the multi-buys aren’t fuelling the weekend wasted headbangers passed out in our town centres anyway. They are being bought by thrifty folk who bulk buy non-perishables and store them in the loft/garage/under the bed. And that’s true of lots of commodities. I was out at Sainsburys on Thursday with a £12 discount voucher. I came home with 96 pouches of catfood. This tells you nothing about my eating habits, but quite a lot about the shelf life of catfood. And no, I do not have 96 cats.
This minimum price is just a ploy. They know it will be challenged in the EU courts and they will have to withdraw it, and substitute the thing they really wanted all along- a massive increase in duty of 37p per unit.