Ten Reasons Why

Unusually for the BBC, which has so far toed the official line on the Olympics, it publishes a list of reasons why we might no be enthusiastic about this dreadful junket coming to town –  including among others, the control freakery regarding sponsorship, the massive waste of taxpayers’ money –  taxpayers who were never asked if they wanted this waste of time imposed upon them –  the Zil lanes and the white elephants bought and paid for by us but pretty useless when the circus leaves town.

I do love the irony regarding sponsorship, though. Want food –  then it’s a Big Mac. Thirsty, then it’s Coke products as these two are sponsors and other organisations cannot sell their wares –  the bastards even passed legislation to stop them doing so. So, all those control freakish leftists that don’t want us drinking fizzy, sugary drinks or eating salty, red meat burgers and chips are watching their brains explode across the room.

Maybe there is one reason to appreciate it after all…



  1. tee hee, good point about McD and Coke.

    One of my happiest holiday moments is sitting outside McD’s in Disneyland Paris having burger and chips and a large Coke. That’s the Unholy Trinity for the bansturbators, isn’t it? Plus then I had a fag to wash down the remaining Coke.

      • I heard that rumour about Mc dogs here too. All bollox, I have never found one.

        Throw it in the bin with “There are no speed limits on German roads”, and “In Germany everything is banned unless it is allowed by law”, shite.

        Comes from the same intelectual school that once read a “Commando” comic, and is now a world renouned expert on Germany at the bar of the “Dog and Fuck” on the high street.

  2. No mention of police power of entry to private homes if you put unapproved posters in windows along Olympic routes. Pity.

    Another reason to perhaps be optimistic about the Olympics. The Occupy movement are planning widespread disruption apparently. That’s not likely to go down too well with those who are looking forward to it, in fact a former Occupy fan at my company was spitting feathers about that today. 🙂

  3. Infact i may go and have cheeseburger and a chocolate muffin on the way to work and relive the happy memories in Paris.

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