I’m Risking Diabetes Apparently

Working shifts causes problems with the circadian rhythms. We knew this already. However, research in the USA suggests that it may be worse –  much worse –  than feeling a bit disoriented and constantly wanting to fall asleep.

Shift workers getting too little sleep at the wrong time of day may be increasing their risk of diabetes and obesity, according to researchers.

The team is calling for more measures to reduce the impact of shift working following the results of its study.

Bloody hell! I didn’t realise that it was that bad. I could die or something…

Researchers controlled the lives of 21 people…

Ah. As you were.


  1. I picked up on this too. They tested 21 people under artificially created conditions rather than just approaching 21 shift workers and asking if they were diabetic or obese.
    A test designed to come up with pre defined results?

  2. “Almost infallible hint” – any news story about a ‘health scare’, that includes (in the same sentence)the words ‘research’ and ‘suggests’ (or ‘links’) – is bunkum.

  3. In the UK we have already gone one better.

    Remember the TV ad’s a few years back that went “Hit me at 35mph and it’s twice as likely I will die than if you hit me at 30mph”?

    That one was based on just 14 accidents.

      • XX Statistically insignificant.XX

        But still the kind of “statistics” they use to make “government” health policy.

        XX Researchers controlled the lives of 21 people… XX

        When I was at school, a normal, comp, in a normal town, in the middle of Normal, (so we are not talking the local campus of MENSA, or anything here), even BEFORE starting our C.S.E science subjects (Yes, THOSE days Biology, Chemistry and Physics had their OWN lesson time!), you would have been laughed out of the playground using “statistics” like that. I am pretty sure, the newspaper editorial office as well.

        So what happened in between? We are talking earth quake and bloody hydrogen bomb territory of “happening” here. SURELY someone NOTICED that something was going wrong?

  4. That’s funny. In this morning’s Metro, there was a little piece about how fake tanning may lead to diabetes and obesity because some of the chemicals in it can affect insulin levels.

    Evidently everything leads to diabetes and obesity.

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