Liars, Charlatans and Rogues

Since the 1950s, alcohol consumption in the UK has gradually increased.

No, it fucking hasn’t. What part of declining alcohol consumption do these fucking liars not understand? And we are paying for this propaganda.

A lifetime’s worth of drinking is catching up with baby boomers, says Emily Robinson from the Alcohol Concern.

The charity hopes that their campaign, Dry January, will help get people thinking about how much they drink, especially at home when units are harder to measure, and crucially, before they reach a stage where drinking is affecting their health.

Oh do fuck the fuck off you rancid puritans. If people want to drink themselves into an early grave, that is their concern, not yours. And there is an antidote to Dry January. If I was a drinker, I would be making a point of having a tipple or two during January.


  1. Happily for anyone idiotic enough to be swayed by the Dry January propaganda, February 1st is a Friday.

    My prediction – which I will throw in gratis, unlike the vast stable of freelance PR people hired by Alcohol Concern – is that the night of 1st February will see revels of Bacchanalian proportions among those celebrating their return to the demon drink after a month of abstinence.

  2. It’s also highly disingenuous to use 1950 or thereabouts as a base point, as that represented a historically low level of alcohol consumption in the aftermath of WW2 and an environment of austerity and rationing. In fact all we have done since is to return to the historic norm prevailing before WW1 and, of course, in the past ten years it has been steadily falling.

  3. “…especially at home when units are harder to measure..”

    These people must all use the same wordsmith. Who the hell ever measures units? But note how UNITS, UNITS, UNITS, are constantly being pushed out. It’s constant, isn’t it?
    Sod their units.

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