Freedom of Speech… Again

In our brave new world where we are all supposed to be gay –  or at least celebrate it –  and at the very least, never, ever, be caught criticising it, freedom of speech and difference of opinion becomes dubbed “hate speech” and the orator is to be silenced.

David Jones’ comments on gay parents are hate speech

I don’t really care what David Jones said, it is a matter of supreme indifference to me. It’s an opinion and in a free country one is entitled to proffer opinions –  even ones that challenge the orthodoxy –  and don’t we have an orthodoxy thrust upon us? That’s what freedom of speech means.

Not to Charlie Condou and the rest of the totalitarian arseholes that fester over at CiF.

What it is not –  not by a country mile –  is hate speech. But, then, that was always going to be a useful tool for the leftists to silence those who dared to disagree with them.

It’s outrageous that there’s someone at a senior level of government who can say such things.

No, what is outrageous is that he is not expected to be able to speak openly and voice his opinion even when it is an unpopular one. Sure, challenge what he said –  gainsay as much as you please. That, too, is freedom of speech. But to expect him to be silenced, no. And that is what Condou expects here.

To my mind it’s hate speech.

Then clearly you have no mind –  at least not one of note. You are a fucking idiot, An evil little cunt who would stifle the opinions of others because they offend your delicate sensibilities and dare to challenge your new orthodoxy. You are part of the malaise that infests this country. I might not agree with David Jones’ words, but by God, I’ll defend his right to utter them and offend the likes of you, to the death. You are the offence, not Jones. You are the enemy, not Jones. You are the evil darkness that envelopes this country, not Jones. And given that Jones is a politician, that’s saying something. It’s always a close call between the media and the politician as to who can stoop lowest. Condou has just managed to outdo the politician. He got between the pavement and the dog turd with room to spare.


  1. “Cameron MUST act now” because an hysterical gay thespian who clearly has no idea what hate speech is says he must. I can understand Condou being upset and wanting to argue his case but what he has written is far more dangerous than anything David Jones said. It isn’t just about you Charlie, you self centered immature little man.

  2. Pointing out that Condou is a self-righteous enemy of liberty is a perfectly reasonable thing to do – whoever he is attempting to silence

    Not really. He is exercising his right to free speech. He would be an “enemy of liberty” only if he had the power to suppress comment he doesn’t approve of.

    • Oh, he is an enemy of liberty alright.

      Yes, he is exercising his freedom of speech. He is using it to call for someone to be silenced. In a free society he has every right to do that. And I have every right to point out that his behaviour is inconsistent with liberty and freedom of speech. Condou wants only that speech that fits in with the current orthodoxy, yet if we value freedom of speech, right wing conservatives get to say unpleasant things about homosexuals and homosexuals get to respond in kind. What is not freedom of speech is having someone silenced – which is what Condou would like – because they say something that you don’t like.

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