No, It Isn’t

Smoking should be banned in cars carrying children, says England’s public health minister.

Anna Soubry said her personal view was that it was justified on “child welfare” grounds.

Well, Anna Soubry is entitled to have a personal view. Indeed, she is entitled to voice a personal view. What she should not be doing is abusing her position of power to enforce her personal view on other people. Our cars are none of her business. They are private property and therefore whether people smoke in them is our concern, not hers. So, it’s a simple matter. She doesn’t smoke in her car and leaves others alone to make their decisions. Oh, and spare us the hectoring and lecturing, because, you see, it’s none of her damned business.

The prime minister has said while he supports the smoking ban in pubs and clubs, he is “more nervous” about legislating what happens in cars.

I should hope he is nervous. Although petrified of the mob wielding pitchforks and hempen rope would be better.

At the Local Government Association’s annual public health conference, Ms Soubry said: “I would ban smoking in cars where children are present.”

I’d ban politicians if I had my way. After stringing all of the fuckers from the nearest lamp post. What part of “mind your own fucking business” do these arrogant arseholes not understand?

“I would do that for the protection of children. I believe in protecting children. I would see it as a child welfare issue.”

“I think it is something we should at least consider as government.”

Ah, right. All of it, then…


  1. Murdering all politicians is also a child welfare issue. And I would do it to protect the futures of all children. Children need to live to their maximum potential rather than be constrained by nannying fussbuckets. Nannying fusbuckets who would believe it more important to stop children having fun because of H&S and insurance and other nonsense than to allow children to learn from their mistakes.

  2. My response to drivel like that uttered by Anna Soubry is “Just bloody well leave me alone to make my own decisions about what I do and don’t do!”
    She has her own personal views on matters and so do I. Her views are not a matter for legislation no more than mine are.
    I am a grown-up person, an adult. Leave me alone to live my life as I see fit. Go and live your own life according to your views. Just don’t try and impose YOUR views (because that’s all they are, without any validating proof) on ME.
    In my life I am a damned sight more important than you are Anna Soubry, so stop bloody well interfering in my life.
    And that goes for all the blue-stockinged, pecksniffian, bansturbating bastards who infest or lobby government.

  3. Can’t even spell my own name correctly, I’m so freaking wound-up by Soubry’s verbal diarrhoea (and that I can spell!)

  4. Well, it’s all very well the BBC bunging this item onto their website, but where were the headlines on the TV or radio news? Where were the braying, scaremongering newspapers? Nowhere, that’s where. Soubry should take note. This Government nailed its colours to the anti-alcohol mast very early on in the game and the increasingly desperate wails of the anti-smoking movement as a whole – everything from laughable connections to unknown ailments to accusations of bullying (pot? kettle?) by anti-smoking campaigners – show that they know the game is up and they are increasingly having to scrape the barrel to try and flog this dead Health horse back to life. Anti-smoking is just soooo last season now as far as the media are concerned; and it’s plain boring even to those members of the public who supported the current smoking ban, now that it’s in place. If Soubry’s got any sense she’ll cast her mind back a short way to the career of ASH-best-friend and former junior health minister Ann Milton and consider that she’d be better off putting her weight behind the growing anti-alcohol or anti-obesity lobbies (where I think she’s already made some tentative moves) than wasting time on a fast-fading movement that everyone apart from dyed-in-the-wool anti-smoking activists, are heartily sick of hearing about.

  5. Having already solved the problem of breeders torturing and beating their children to death, of course. 🙄

  6. It’s because they know that legislation works so well. When did you last see a driver with a mobile phone pressed to his ear. Of course, never.

  7. It’s the doublethink that irks the most. This minister should lock herself in her garage and get the motor running, then ponder as to which is more toxic – cigarettes or exhaust fumes? Perhaps we should ban opening windows in cars containing children? 😐

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