I’m Not A Decent Person…


Even if the case for drink pricing were not medically overwhelming, it is obvious that any decent person would prefer to be on the same side of an argument as Dr Sarah Wollaston, the admirable Totnes MP, as opposed to the wheedling teen-poisoners of the drinks industry.

Oh, well, that’s me told then. Frankly, I regard Wollaston as the worst kind of hectoring, nannying interfering busybody puritan and would automatically align myself with her opponents even if they were brandishing tridents, sporting horns and wearing a spiked tail.

Catherine Bennett trots out the usual debunked lies, half-truths and prohibitionist nonsense in a confused article that, actually is asking for these bastards to stop lecturing us. Frankly, it would be nice if all of them stopped peddling these “studies” that are no more than junk science and telling us how to live our lives. We are all going to die. Some sooner rather than later and if we bring it upon ourselves, well, so be it. We know the risks and just perhaps we prefer to take them, fully informed.

Ah, but in the world of the nanny state, we are too immature to make informed choices that are “bad”. Therefore, it must be that we have been misled by the big bad drinks industry –  or big tobacco, or big food, big salt or big sugar or whatever. Likewise, Bennett castigates the PPE graduates who fester in Westminster and form the new political class. This, then is the gene pool from which our decision making is to be done. This, then is the face of the benevolent state to do our thinking for us. Given the shallow level of thinking capacity on display, we face a bleak future indeed.


  1. Bravo. I read Bennett’s article last night after drinking to a level that Dr Wollaston would no doubt consider “hazardous”. It seemed to me then that it was incoherent gobbledegook written in a stream of semi-consciousness.

    Looking at it again in the cold light of day this morning, I realised it’s not me, it’s her. It’s gibberish from the first line and gets worse.

  2. Sounds like we have to start campaigning for the removal of another biggie – big politics

  3. ‘Given the shallow level of thinking capacity on display, we face a bleak future indeed.’

    Indeed, but unless these idiots are reined in it’ll be far, far worse for the current younger generation. Most seem to be blissfully aware of what lies ahead. I guess that’s what happens when kids are routinely brainwashed and dumbed down. Most adults appear to have succumbed as well. To be honest, I blame most of the voting public for allowing them to get away with all this bullshit.

  4. DP posted this article about the rapidly encroaching nanny state in his link tank yesterday, and it is a brilliant piece, superbly written. Well worth a read.

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