Here We Go…

Better-off older people should pay tax at the same rate as younger people on similar incomes, a think tank argues.

The report from the Fabian Society argues that as older people are no longer always poor they should “share the pain of deficit reduction”.

So, having paid taxes all your life funding massive government waste, this evil organisation –  for Fabianism is merely a mask that covers the hidden horrors below; socialism –  wants to steal your pension as well.

It is a good thing that as we grow older, we are also becoming better off. That is what happens as a consequence of working for a lifetime. And, having done so, these thieves want to steal it.

When it comes to taxation, the paper highlights a “really significant intergenerational unfairness”, with retired middle-income households paying 27% of their gross income in tax, compared with 33% for non-retired households with the same income.

Ah, yes, the old “intergenerational” claptrap. It is true that 33% is too high, but then, so is 27%, so both should be dramatically reduced and the government forced to manage on a much smaller budget. When I was younger, I was less well off. As I have grown older –  apart from blips –  I have, generally increased my wealth. I do not expect to have it stolen from me in order to be redistributed to younger people. They can do as I did –  work for it, not take it from me in some misguided socialist excuse for fairness. What is fair is that I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn and the state learns to manage on next to nothing.

The paper says moves to equalise the tax system would have to be carried out more slowly to avoid a sudden fall in living standards.

No need. Slash government departments and consequential spending, close all think tanks, quangos and fake charities and let people keep the money they earn to spend as they see fit. Problem solved. And as a bonus we don’t get vile socialist organisations such as the Fabians lecturing us about more tax; because, lets look at it for what it is –  they aren’t on about reducing tax to equalise the imbalance. Oh, no, they mean to penalise those who appear to “unfairly” pay less.

In the meantime, it suggests the government should consider taking national insurance from earnings after state pension age and ending tax-free lump sums on private pensions.

And another reason not to invest in pensions.

It also argues for more taxes on property, such as a land value tax or a reformed council tax, to suppress rises in house prices.

You didn’t see that one coming, did you?


  1. Knobheads. Where do the get the idea that an increase in your property value gives you more disposeable cash to hand over to the government.

    And I’m heartily sick of old people bashing. They’ve already paid!

  2. How stupid can you get? Having worked all my life,saving for everything I needed,struggling to pay a mortgage and help my children through university, these bastards propose to take away most of what I have left. All so that the Philpots of this world can continue to breed more wasters. If the Fabian Society want to help the younger generation, then let them dig deep into their own pockets and keep out of mine.

  3. A few words from a very wise person:

    I have never understood why it is “greed” to want to keep the money you have earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.

    But then:

    The more I study the history of intellectuals, the more they seem like a wrecking crew, dismantling civilization bit by bit — replacing what works with what sounds good. – Thomas Sowell

  4. [[

    It also argues for more taxes on property, such as a land value tax or a reformed council tax, to suppress rises in house prices.

    You didn’t see that one coming, did you? ]]]

    Ha well thats where you’re wrong because i did see that one coming, whats more i bet you if you happen to have a larger property….due in no small way to the fact you got off your arse and worked for it….then come retirement time at some point in the not too distant future that larger place may not meet approved spacial requirements, well unless you happen to be in one of the exempt groups..oh like ex MPs for instance.

    And you will be encouraged to seek alternative accomodation more in keeping with your pariah status, the bastards don’t want you any more seeing as you are now costing them…the pension that you paid for all your bloody life.

    Your property will be required to house those who require more room, people who might well have larger families, who probably don’t know how to spell work let alone compute the meaning, doubtless well versed in claiming and having no virility problems due to the stresses of paying their own way and still able to breed like bloody rabbits to maintain their victim/vulnerable status.

    Wait and see if that doesn’t come to bloody pass, Jesus it could drive a sober man to drink.

    I’d like to say i’m surprised or shocked at what passes for our government of the day wants but i wouldn’t put anything past the swine.

    An all but bankrupt nation desperately clawing the next few quid to stave of the big nasty bailiff, reduced to plundering its own people to pay its way, consuming itself till it finally dies.

    As always the electorate have the government they deserve.



  5. What is so profoundly depressing is how easily led so many of the younger generation are by this total, titanic shite.

    After all, they are not that far behind.

    And I suppose it would put the mockers on the bank of mum and dad.

    • And I suppose it would put the mockers on the bank of mum and dad.

      Which neatly skewers this intergenerational unfairness bullshit. I didn’t have a bank of mum and dad.

  6. Had I asked for (demanded?) my “inheritance” I would have been greeted with two words one of which would have been “fuck”.

    Saving is a dirty word I’m afraid. In left wing speak it means selfishly hoarding a disproportionate amount of “communal” resources. It’s a very short conceptual leap to see this as theft.

    Quite extraordinary when you think about it: Extraordinarily arrogant and cruel.

  7. A lot of this (you will be dismayed to know) is nothing at all to do with “socialism” – it is a lot to do with jealousy & spite.
    By the younger generations against those of us born into, what is beginning to look like a real golden age – the baby boomers.
    Anyone born 1945-65, that is.
    Time & again, I have noted over the past 18 months or so, various younger 7 financial pressure-groups railing against the good fortune of those noted above.
    The constant theme is: “They had it very good – we aren’t doing so well -let’s penalise them & drag them down to our level.
    Nasty little spiteful thieves the lot of them.
    Worryingly, I’ve heard this from the “right” as well, complaining about “unfair advantages” and over-use of resources etc …..

    • Greg, you could get your message across more effectively if you took a bit more care and time with your wording. Having read it several times, I am still not too sure what point you are trying to make. However, I am sure many would agree that socialism does have a lot to do with jealousy and spite; it is what its basic principles are rooted in – “I can’t have that, so why should you be allowed to have it?”

  8. “As always the electorate have the government they deserve.”
    I didn’t vote for them.

    “I didn’t have a bank of mum and dad.”
    Mine amounted to a reduced level of board payed to help me afford driving lessons and then very occasional use of the car which I was expected to put petrol into. I always put in more than I used because I wanted the answer to be yes next time I asked.

    @Greg Tingey
    As far as I am aware, it is a fundamental tenet of socialism that you can make poorer people less poor just by stealing money from those who are better off and giving it to them. The reasons why this strategy always fails are many and also quite obvious to anyone who thinks about it for even a second.

    Regarding my inability to access LR from work. The error message reads: “Access has been blocked. Your IP [85. 158. 139.227] has been identified as spam”

  9. So it’s “unfair” that I have worked every hour I can, gone without foreign holidays, not getting ratted at the weekend and put money aside for my future? Well I have worked for my future and I fully intend to keep it. Apparently I am “not eligible” for any assistance despite being expected to fund the lifestyles of those “earning” more for sitting on their backsides watching TV than I get for actually being dumb enough to go to work. I’ve a good mind to take it all in notes when I die and get cremated with it!

  10. *Putting head behind parapet* I must say coming from the UK it seems bizarre to me that there would be different levels of taxation for different age groups. Here a pension is a totally separate thing from tax. I think we have a higher tax-free allowance for people over 75 or something like that, but if their income is high enough to go over that allowance and pay tax at all, they pay it at the same rate as anybody else.

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