No Change of Course

Well, of course

Foreign Secretary William Hague says the Conservative Party does not need a “drastic change of course” despite its poor showing in local election results last week.

Despite electoral setbacks, politicians never really do. They cannot change what they are, after all. What they really need is a change of electorate; one that recognises the good they do, one that is grateful for the micro-management, the nannying and hectoring, the obsessive binge legislation designed to coerce us into more healthy lives, the ever increasing taxation to enable them to piss it up the wall on insane IT projects, surveillance and fake charities and, of course, to be grateful for the endless wars on terror and drugs, not to mention foreign parts that have nothing to do with us.

No, the politicians don’t need to listen to a disgruntles electorate and change their ways, they just need to trade in the ingrates for a new lot.

1 Comment

  1. Ah, the Brecht comment, after the riots in the “DDR” in 1953:

    Would it not be easier
    In that case for the government
    To dissolve the people
    And elect another?

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