Oh? We Do?

The UK wants to remain signed up to the European Arrest Warrant, Home Secretary Theresa May has told MPs.

Really? Well I don’t want it. It is an abhorrence that has seen innocent people persecuted by foreign (incompetent) proceedings causing them distress for no good reason. It is the wet dream of the authoritarian. Who is this UK who wants this nightmare? Because I live in the UK and Theresa May does not speak for me. She is a disgrace to her office.

She said the UK would opt out of all 133 EU law and order measures in the Lisbon Treaty and seek to rejoin 35 of them “in the national interest”.

National interest, my arse. The national interest would be served by asking if we want to remain a part of this unelected, unaccountable oligarchy. This has nothing to do with the national interest and everything to do with the interest of the political elite. Scum, the lot of them.

Can we hang them yet?


  1. >>It is the wet dream of the authoritarian

    Strange that a politician should like it then.

  2. xX Can we hang them yet? XX

    And that is the problem.

    Do not ASK! Go out and DO it!!!!!

    (I mean ther general public, not you, or I alone.)

    Basically you are tilting at windmills.

    Joe Bloggs could not GIVE a shit.

    • I don’t actually have a problem with giving “Whole-of-lifers” a possible release date…

      One week before their 105th birthday, so they have time to organise a party…

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