By Their Enemies Shall You Know Them

Geoffrey Bloom has been stirring it up a bit lately. Not least because many of the people I encounter out in the real world – as opposed to the metro-sexual, feminista world of the Guardian – will be nodding their heads and agreeing with him. Certainly Mrs L was this evening. As was I.

You see, whether you call it Bongo Bongo Land or Africa, the point about pouring money into it, stands. As does the point about employing women of child-bearing age. For a small business, maternity leave is a heavy burden. It is not – as the Guardianista will have us believe – a cost of doing business, it is a cost imposed by the state and as such, damages employment opportunities for such women – outside of large businesses and the state sector, of course.

Bloom made a comment on the television news that the people likely to be offended were the lefty journalists who were looking to be offended anyway.

Hole in one!

Geoffrey Bloom may be something of a dinosaur and less than diplomatic, but he is upsetting all the right people. So, carry on, I say. They need offending good and hard on a regular basis until they get two notions implanted into their dense skulls. One is the principle of freedom of speech – it ain’t pretty – and the other is that they do not actually represent anyone other than themselves.


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