Probably Not

Somehow I doubt that Dave Prentis’ predictions will come to pass, nice though it would be to see.

The UK Labour Party faces an election meltdown like that experienced by its Australian counterpart unless it stops its “squabbles” with the unions, leader Ed Miliband has been warned.

I would absolutely love to see these vile arseholes wiped from the political map at the next election even if it did mean a Tory majority. These evil creatures systematically destroyed our economy and splurged anti-liberty legislation all over the statute book like a drunkard spewing his guts over the pavement after a night on the tiles, as well as pissing money up the wall on fake charities and quangos whose express purpose in life is to suck the taxpayer dry while stealing his liberty as well as his money..

Yes, I know the coagulation are not much better, however, the “not much better” is enough, just, for me to express a preference. So, yes, I would rather the incompetent and useless iDave was in Number 10 than Miliballs. Hobson’s choice, frankly. Given the choice of Milliband and Balls in number ten wreaking havoc once again and the current lot of incompetents, I’ll take the latter. I hate them all, but I hate Labour more than the others, fag-paper thin though the difference is.

Unfortunately, there are plenty of fucking moronic idiots people willing to vote for them, despite the evidence of thirteen years of mismanagement. Their client voters will always be willing to vote for more money stolen from others to fund themselves – so, no, I don’t think there will be a wipe-out. Despite Miliband’s obvious unfitness for any office bigger than a cupboard, a slim Labour majority is a very real prospect, God help us.


  1. I think you call it very well. Conservative Home has the odd article talking about how they are going to claim a majority at the next election but I simply can’t see it. Voters are largely rather self-centred and fickle these days so I expect nothing less than a Labour majority come 2015.

    Interestingly, I remember attending a panel debate in 2010 just before the GE where Guido Fawkes suggested we should have been recommending Labour for that election. His justification being that any party coming in with the economic crisis so deep would be unpopular, so best that Labour cop the flak. He reckoned another 5 years of pandering to unions and pissing money up the wall and the country would have to go cap in hand to the IMF again or go bankrupt and hardships would grow exponentially. After that, he predicted that no-one would dare vote Labour back in for a generation or more. But, even then, I expect there would still be millions who would happily welcome Labour with open arms, there are some seriously dense people out there.

    • “He reckoned another 5 years of pandering to unions”

      When has New Labour ever pandered to the Unions? Labour has not repealed a single authoritarian anti-union law. Labour did nothing to protect the living standards of ordinary workers. When corporates give money to Labour they expect a return on their investment and Labour gives it to them. When the unions give money to Labour, Labour takes it and gives nothing in return. That is why the unions are withdrawing funding from Labour.


    I LOVE “Schadenfreud!”

    “Light blue touch paper, and stand back and watch from a safe distance.”

  3. The Tories are identical to Labour. There are no significant policy differences between Labour and the Tories. They both have a pro-security anti civil liberties agenda. They both want to destroy jobs by giving free labour to their corporate chums. They both hate the disabled and would would physically exterminate them if they could get away with it. Both parties want to destroy the NHS so as to make money for their corporate sponsors. The only people they have any respect for are the super rich who run corporate Britain.

    If I lived in a Labour/Tory marginal then I would vote Labour simply to get rid of the Bullingdon Stasi even though it would simply mean replacing it with the Islington Stasi. But those are the only choices we have.

    • They both hate the disabled and would would physically exterminate them if they could get away with it.

      While it is true that they are all narcissistic, toughing thieves out for whatever they can rob from the rest of us, there is no evidence whatsoever to support that assertion. We do not have gulags or extermination camps and even the very worst of them isn’t a patch on the Nazis or the Bolsheviks and you do your argument no good with such hyperbole.

      If I lived in a Labour/Tory marginal then I would vote Labour simply to get rid of the Bullingdon Stasi even though it would simply mean replacing it with the Islington Stasi. But those are the only choices we have.

      Er, no, actually. I won’t be voting for any of the big three. I will either spoil my paper, vote for a minority party or independent or withhold my vote. So, no it isn’t one or the other.

  4. VOTE tory for
    Zero hours contracts
    Treatment of people who save others lives like this:–saving-womans-life-Hero-broke-safety-rules.html
    Well-below living wages, even on proper contracts
    Crawling to the EU moneybags & crooks
    Betraying our country to the US ultra-right (at the same time) for more money.

    WRONG (unfortunately) L-R because we need an opposition.
    Trouble is … Labour isn’t it either … errr ….

  5. They won’t be wiped out though as they’re part of the agenda – they’ll just go to ground for awhile and be back further down the track.

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