Betteridge of the Day

American gun use is out of control. Shouldn’t the world intervene?


No. It is none of the world’s damned business what goes on inside a country’s own borders.

This has reached the point where it has ceased to be a domestic issue. The world cannot stand idly by.

Yes it can and yes, it must. It is a domestic issue.

Given his civil liberties bent, his is an unusual piece of rampant idiocy from Henry Porter.


  1. The last line made me think the piece was a poorly done satire.

    (But then I’m still not convinced the entire rag isn’t satire.)

  2. I suggest this is another example of we should mind our own beeswax, funny though when you look at it from the point of view that Obama Bin Laden can’t manage violence in his own country and yet is trying to convince the world that the US must be involved with the war in Syria.
    I suggest Mr Osama Obama gets his own house in order first.
    If the rest of the world think they have the right to interfere in US gun laws well…good luck with that you will never convince middle America they should have the right to bear arms revoked, christ that would be wholly unconstitutional and the world would end!

  3. Second amendment to the US Constitution:-

    A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    Note the reference to the security of a free state. Threats to such security are not restricted to external threats, and oppressive controlling regimes do not like a populace which, in very extreme circumstances, has the means to enforce the removal of said regime.

    Is it entirely coincidental, and purely for our own benefit, that our ruling élite have decreed that we are not to be trusted with firearms?

    1) If it is for our own benefit, it would be the first time ever that such an ideal was their primary concern.

    2) If only it weren’t for those pesky criminals, who didn’t play fair and hand their weapons in to Mr Plod back in the mid-late ’90’s, our laws against firearm crime could be seen to be working…

    • As someone who has first hand experience of how our firearms law’s don’t work, I shall tell you a tale.
      In the year 2000 my ex husband who held a perfectly legal firearms certificate and was the owner of 2 shotguns solely for sport shooting purposes, and whom had held a firearms licence for many years, had a nervous breakdown, this had been on the cards for some time and he was medicated, however the certificate and the arms themselves were not revoked, on several occasions prior to 2000 he had (in a drunken rage) threatened suicide with aforementioned firearm, and I because I was scared shitless was culpable of doing nothing to stop his behaviour (except put my life on the line repeatedly to talk him down). I was browbeaten abused and confused, in 2000 when he finally lost the plot, and in fact went walking the streets of our home town after firing the shotgun outside our home, I called the ART (as they were known then) and had him arrested, he was very drunk and we were taken into police protective custody (my children were 13, 8 and 6 at the time) as we were removed to a place of safety we heard him being arrested over the police radio, a very traumatic experience for our children. He was charged with intent to endanger human life at this time this was a statutory 25 years to life, over the ensuing weeks whilst he was on remand in prison this charge was lessened down to possession of a firearm in a public place. At sentence he got 2 years suspended and a year’s probation (guns and licence revoked, removed and destroyed) .
      The police in charge of the case said to me on the court steps “you need to take care of him and ensure this never happens again , hes a good bloke” I nearly punched the copper out cold, but what I infact said was “He is a grown man, and I am NOT his mother”
      Some 5 years later he reapplied for his firearms certificate, I was not even consulted on how I felt , nor were my folks who he also held at gunpoint, no, not one person asked us how we felt it would affect us or even indeed if he was safe to own firearms once more, the licence was granted and the firearms officer rang to tell him, he of course was in the pub, his drinking was still no better, and said
      “Please tell him we are happy to give him his licence back”
      I responded “Really , great, I wish someone had asked me how I felt about it!”
      Firearms officer ” Why do you not think he’s been a good little boy”
      Forward to 18 months ago, my ex had just started going down the “I am depressed I think I will shoot myself rout” once more, I was mid breakdown so I packed and left in 3 hours I fled, I hid all his ammunition (because had I removed it or the firearms I would have been arrested) and called the Firearms officer to tell him the score…. He did nothing.
      Two days later the police called my mother and asked her to contact me and tell me he was saying I was a missing person and I was in possession of his ammunition and should be arrested.
      I talked to the local officers whom I knew from his previous escapade, and told them the score and what I had done, his weapons were removed from his friends house where he had hidden them and the ammunition retrieved from the recycle bin on the drive where I had placed them, (knowing A/ he would never look there B/ It was not off the premises and C/ I had told firearms where they were and the bin was not due to be emptied for a fortnight.
      The firearms law in this country are a joke, i know I have lived through them.
      Here is a link to a blog I did back in Jan this year about our firearms laws.

      • I agree with your comments, Kath:- sorry you had to experience it personally.

        If you look back, just about every “Rampage shooter” at least since Michael Ryan – and probably well before him – has given plenty of warning regarding their deteriorating mental state, and in these cases the relevant firearms officers have done sweet FA.

        Whether this has been due to the involvement of the “Funny Handshake Club” we don’t know – although it has been alleged in at least one extreme case.

        I used to shoot with handguns and rifles – pre illegality – target shooting only and really like a glorified game of darts. And I really enjoyed it.

        But I could never shoot an animal of any kind save for either one of two sets of circumstances:-

        1) It was either me or the beast (I care about animals, but I draw the line at becoming their lunch)

        2) I needed it for the pot.

        Those who see “sport” in the pointless destruction of any creature have, in my opinion, something fundamental lacking.

        • You are 100% correct Ted, most people who will kill animals for sport are very inadequate people, I was then and to this day remain totally anti the whole thing.
          The ex used to say “It’s because you are a townie , and townies don’t understand these things” to that I used to retort ” No it’s because I am a human being with feelings and emotions not a cold blooded killer”.
          It wasn’t the popular or sensible answer with him, and when I left I took “His hunting dog” = our family pet because he abused her too, kicking her when she didn’t do as instructed, or was just in his way. She is now doted on and spoilt beyond recognition, retired from shooting and like me living in obscurity and peace.
          He told the police I “Kidnapped his dog” they told him to grow up.
          You are correct when you say “If you look back, just about every “Rampage shooter” at least since Michael Ryan – and probably well before him – has given plenty of warning regarding their deteriorating mental state, and in these cases the relevant firearms officers have done sweet FA.”
          and you know what strikes me as strange people who do sport shoot tend to suffer mental illness. Thats not to say other people don’t but if you own firearms and become ill your more dangerous than someone who does not own a gun.

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