God Help Us!

Ed Miliband: I’m bringing socialism back to Britain

Oh, great! Fanbloodytastic! A half-wit with the competence, management ability and personality of a cockroach wants to bring back a demonstrably failed ideology to Britain. Like we don’t have enough troubles already. Socialism is one of the great evils to befall humanity during the twentieth century. It is a repugnant ideology that has been proved to be a failure every time it has been tried, yet still the hard of thinking want to impose it upon the rest of us. Because the only way this nasty, misanthropic and evil philosophy can be made to work is by the use of force.

Miliband is either naïve (and ignorant of history) or corrupt (and doesn’t bloody care about the body count). Or, possibly both.

A vile little man with a vile political ideology.


  1. Miliboyband has about as much hope of that as Comoron does of bumping up the falling Tory party membership.
    Let’s face it we are faced with a generation of failing and failed politicians who are clueless and worthless, corrupt, dissolute, self serving and blind to the damage they have and continue to do.
    I am shocked every day by then next piece of inane drivel to drop from their mouths.
    Toeknee Blurghs “modernisation” of Labour was then and still is a huge joke.
    I doubt Miliband (with his personality of a moist flannel) has the imagination to make any sort of inroads in to a falling and failing Labour, after all he has already alienated Labour leaderships biggest supporters the unions. although of course the Unions are also Labours biggest bet noir.
    I think it could prove mildly entertaining to watch Miliband make an even bigger fool of himself, flopping around like a drowning fish out of water, whilst the unions take his party apart from the inside out.
    P.S the blog I posted tonight was all about the Conservatives massively dropping membership numbers and how Camoron has been told he needs to Modernise the Tories , so it is clearly a theme here with the current leaders, as it looks like Clogg is also in trouble with his party faithful and grass roots brigade.

  2. Dear Longrider

    Socialism is slavery.

    It seems the current ‘leaders’ of the LibLabCon troika are fulfilling their allotted tasks of destroying their respective parties as part of the total trashing of the UK and England in particular.

    I wonder how much they are getting paid for this.


  3. Everything you get without working for it, means that someone else is working for it without getting it…

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