
Well, I never.

A quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain “do not trust Muslims”, the results of a BBC poll have suggested.

Of the 1,000 people interviewed in a Radio 1 Newsbeat survey, 28 per cent said they felt Britain would be “better off” with fewer Muslims, whilst 60 per cent believed the British public had a negative image of Muslims.

The Comres poll also found that only 29 per cent of people surveyed believed Muslims were doing enough to combat extremism in their communities and a third of those surveyed disagree that immigration is good for Britain.

Over 40 per cent believed Muslims did not share the same values as other members of the community.

And in the rest of today’s surveys of the blindingly obvious, the Pope is still a catholic (just, it seems) and migrating birds still fly south for the winter.

But then…

However, 48 per cent agreed that Islam is a peaceful religion.

Of course it is. Ask any Kenyan who likes to go shopping in malls, or indeed, New Yorkers who work in skyscrapers or soldiers based in Woolwich


    • Just thought I’d make it clear that I have absolutely no financial or other interest in the above, save that of a very amused follower…

  1. Or ask any Israeli living in the towns bordering Gaza, or the Christians in Pakistan or Egypt, or the Jews fleeing Malmö because of their persecution there, or the 600,000+ castrated black slaves of Muslims in Mauritania and other African countries, or the Jews that fled their countries after the founding of Israel, or ex-Muslim apostates in both Islamic countries and in the West, or…

  2. or ask the family of Lee Rigby, or any other soldier who has lost their life at the hands of the religion of peace.
    Ask the family of scottish teenager 15 year old Kriss Donald who was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in 2004 in Glasgow by Muslims for being white, they then fled to pakistan where it took more than 2 years to have them extradited to face trial for their crime.

  3. Usual problem
    “All Roman Catholics are murderous traitors, who wish to kill our glorious queen” ( Circa 1586)
    NOT TRUE, actually – some did, most didn’t want to know.

    Muslims are now in that exact same position.
    Some muslims are murderous bastards, using texts from their religion to “justify” their outrages.
    Just like the christians used to do……

    Now what?

  4. XX A quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds in Britain “do not trust Muslims” XX

    More worrying, is that three quarters DO!

    XX Greg Tingey
    September 26, 2013 at 09:06

    “All Roman Catholics are murderous traitors, who wish to kill our glorious queen” ( Circa 1586)
    NOT TRUE, actually – some did, most didn’t want to know. XX

    “If you are not actively against it, you are for it, and are equaly an arsehole as the perpetrators.”

  5. So what? A survey taken in Germany in 1936 would have produced similar or worse results about the trustworthiness of Jews.

    • Doubtless because of all those Jewish suicide bombers demanding respect for their religion – not to mention the beheadings. Oh, right…

      Non sequitur. Islam is distrusted with very good reason – it is vile, violent and misanthropic.

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