If the Devil…

Could cast his net

Protesters have gathered outside the offices of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday to voice their opposition to what they described as “grotesque acts of journalism” by both titles in their ongoing spat with the Labour leader, Ed Miliband.

Around 200 trade unionists and leftwing campaigners joined Muslim leaders for the demonstration outside the newspapers‘ London headquarters.

(My emphasis).

Says it all really. By your enemies be you known. I have no time for the Daily Mail, but frankly, if they are pissing this lot off, they are doing something right. My enemy’s enemy and all that.


  1. Coming from the Guardian I would not have expected anything else. I doubt if a better example of Hypocrisy could be imagined; and as for the comments, like they say, you can’t cure stupid.

  2. It’s so nice to see the left wing drones buzzing around like this. They have no concept of “Truth” or “Honesty”.
    Miliband Snr. was a self-confessed Communist and wrote at length of his detestation of the British society of the day. Red Ed has demonstrated, quite unequivocally, that he is of the same mind-set.
    Socialism does not work. It has been proven time and time again that any attempt at wealth distribution does nothing but destroy the commodity which it seeks to re-distribute.
    There is no such thing as a Free Lunch. Some poor bastard somewhere has got to work to pay for it.

  3. Quelle surprise NOT, I too have little time for the mail, but this just shows how the trade unions and the leftie agitators need watching, if they are hand in hand with the Mooslimes lets face it all of the above would turn up to the protesting of the opening of an envelope if they thought it could further their respective causes.

    • “shows how the trade unions and the leftie agitators need watching”

      Scratch a libertarian find a big government supporting statist.

      • Given how the unions have behaved in the past, keeping a weather eye on them makes sense. Nothing to do with big state authoritarianism, simply common sense survival.

  4. Follow the links you gave and you come to “The people’s Assembly” it is the usual collection of left wingers unions, communist party etc.

  5. Questions that no-one has yet answered:

    How can a refugee Marxist college lecturer become a millionaire?

    How can a Marxist millionaire family justify their inheritance?

    As Miliband jnr spent just a short time as a TV journalist before getting into politics (thereby ensuring ALL his income comes from the tax-payer), is all his wealth from inheritance of his father’s millions?

    Odd how the principle of wealth distribution doesn’t apply to the Miliband millions.

  6. Worth remembering that the RC’s who conspired to try to murder Gloriana loved their country, but not it’s government.
    And they were wrong, of course, as were & are the communist religious believers.
    That WAS Milbean’s dad. NOT Milibean.
    Guilt by association is also a trick the religious persecutors use.
    I reall don’t want Milibean anywhere near power.
    But the Daily Mail’s attack on his dead father was utterly disgusting &, I believe, counter-productive.

    • No, the article made a valid point – that Miliband senior influenced the political beliefs of Miliband Junior. it was an opinion piece drawing on known facts. There was nothing disgusting about it – unless you are into that “don’t speak poorly of the dead” idiocy. Frankly, given that the Primrose Hill academics were more than happy with the Soviet system and would happily have imposed it on the rest of us by force, speaking ill of them is perfectly reasonable and rational. And, given that this was the environment Red Ed grew up in, raising the matter is sensible, measured and a damned good thing.

  7. “I have no time for the Daily Mail, but frankly, if they are pissing this lot off, they are doing something right. My enemy’s enemy and all that”

    That’s the sort or moronic thinking that led to Osama bin Laden. And it is the sort of thinking that Libertory fool, Cameron, wants to duplicate in Syria. The Daily Mail supports big government surveillance or has your hatred of the Guardian blinded you to that truth?

    • I’ve read some utter claptrap from you in the past and each time I think you will not be able to surpass yourself, you manage it. Well done. I enjoy a bit of hyperbole, but yours are so absurd, they aren’t even funny.

      My enemy’s enemy worked just fine when fighting the battle against ID cards. In this case, the Labour party with Red Ed in charge is the enemy of the Mail and it is my enemy, so on this one point, we are in accord.

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