Simple Answer

Working parents in Britain “simply do not earn enough to escape poverty“, the government’s social mobility tsar Alan Milburn has warned.

My, oh, my, so a politician finally realises what the rest of us have know for decades. There is a very simple answer, of course and that is for the state to stop stealing their money so that they do have enough to live on. But, then, that would mean throwing the parasites out on their ears, wouldn’t it? it means the likes of ASH and CASH going bust.

Many low and middle-income children face being “worse off” than their parents because of falling earnings and rising prices, Mr Milburn added.

Er, and skyrocketing taxes, don’t forget those, will you now?

Wealthier pensioners’ benefits should be cut and minimum pay raised, he said.

It is not up to the state to tell employers how much to pay their employees. It is up to the state to dramatically reduce its spending and get out of our lives, stop throwing money at the third sector, quangos, fake charities and single issue pressure groups, not to mention the kleptocracies of the third world. Then, perhaps, those hard working families might get to keep more of their own money and won’t be so poor. It is the state that is making people poor here by arse raping their wallets to fund its largesse and then having the effrontery to blame everyone else but itself.

The state is not your friend. Repeat after me; the state is not your friend..


  1. Maybe if we got rid of all these parasites with Russian titles, copied from American idiots, we could reduce the tax take?

    The other problem is that poverty in the UK is defined on a relative basis not an absolute, so if all the mega-millionaires doubled their foreign earnings (i.e. a net gain to the UK) the mean income goes up and the rest of us slip a little more into ‘poverty’. Perhaps this is what drives the ‘logic’ of the left, tax the rich until those pips ‘squeak’, so mean income goes up and the non-rich move out of ‘poverty’ without gaining a penny.

  2. I have been in the poverty trap all my adult life since I married a manual worker in 1987 and had children thats just the way it was before minimum wage, of course taxes were lower and things cost a vast amount less, but we made do.
    In my view many people have inflated expectations of what they actually need to survive these days.
    My list does not include the latest flat screen TV nor does it include a brand new state of the art mobile phone.
    As I have ranted before when my children were small they made do with what we could afford and had hand me downs to keep us going clothes wise. I never had an outdoor coat from 1987 to last year, making do with a large black cardigan and other items so my children had coats.
    I brought one pair of shoes in the winter and one in the summer wore them till they wore out and then binned them and brought new. once I started working full time things did not improve because I had to work as we just could not manage on his income, we had struggled until all the children were at secondary school and more independent, but up to that point we just did what we had to do. By the time I was able to work full time cost had increased as had tax etc so we still just managed.
    I am not complaining just telling it like it was, people are struggling in this recession, but to me it is nothing new. I just cut my cloth according to my means, basics food, light, heat ,rent bills. No luxuries no extras no one starves no one is cold and we have a roof over our heads, we have our health and we have each other …what more do we need realistically?
    Yes the extras are nice, but you sure as hell appreciate them far more when you can afford them if you don’t have them every day. Example my son made cup cakes today because I could afford a bit extra on the shopping they tasted amazing because we appreciated them all the more.

  3. They don’t get it do they. Forced wage increases put up prices. Before long, wages need to be increased again.
    Let the market decide the wages and the cost of living will remain in line with earnings.

      • They can’t:- to them, it’s an addiction far stronger than that which drives a junkie to seek heroin, crack, etc.

        They could no more conceive the reduction of their funded-by-others egotistical grandiose spending than I could conceive viable cold fusion.

  4. “The state is not your friend. Repeat after me; the state is not your friend”

    Neither are the corporate war lords you libertarians would prefer dominate us.

    And the idea that exempting poorly paid people from all income taxation would substantially improve their prospects is laughable. Simple arithmetic should tell you that poorly paid people do not pay much income tax in the first place. And certainly not enough to compensate for the withdrawal of public services such as the NHS or free schooling that would come with making the state “smaller”.

    • Stephen, the state could be made very much smaller without affecting the essentials such as education, Health, Justice, etc., if the state limited itself to those essential services.

      It’s the ever-expanding bureaucracy caused by the state’s ever-increasing infantilisation of the populace, nannying us into a stupor whilst they pry into and seek to control areas which are none of their damned business. Whilst naturally ensuring that the state & its acolytes do very well and use monies misappropriated from those who work for it to reward their apologists and to pursue their own vainglorious egotistical flights of fancy.

      A pox on them all and a plague on all their houses

    • Do you derive some sort of perverse pleasure from coming on here and making a bloody fool of yourself?

      Firstly, how many times do I have to point out that I am not a libertarian before it takes root in your skull? My position is more nuanced than that and your labels simply do not apply.

      Secondly, your pathetic statement about corporate warlords is a puerile strawman and demonstrates that you have no concept of what libertarians actually believe – or choose to ignore them as they do not fit with your prejudices. Libertarians do not want corporations to dominate us any more than they want the state to, but that doesn’t fit with your agenda, does it?

      Thirdly your attempt to narrow this discussion down to income tax alone is disingenuous. It is pretty obvious to everyone entering this discussion (even the most dense) that the word “tax” applies to all taxes, including – especially including – the regressive taxes levied that adversely affect the less well off. But, again, that wouldn’t fit with your blinkered agenda, would it?

      That you tried to do this is due to you being incredibly thick, wilfully ignorant or you are simply attempting to troll me. Whatever it is, it is you who comes out of it looking like a dick, not me.

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