Take Your Targets…

Apparently, we have targets to meet.

Housework and DIY are not strenuous enough to count towards people’s activity targets, a paper has found.

So, there you go, not meeting targets. I wasn’t aware that I had been given targets to meet on the amount of DIY or housework that I and Mrs L do. Does the gardening count, I wonder? Probably not.

It had been thought they could count towards the recommended 150 minutes of moderately intense activity per week.

Much like the five-a-day bollocks, then. And like the recommended units of alcohol, pulled out of someone’s arsehole and presented as science. Something to take with a huge pinch of salt. The only targets I seek to achieve are ones I set for myself – if I decide to set any, that is. I do not jump to targets set by the state or any of its hangers on. They, frankly, can go fuck themselves, which being a somewhat energetic activity will count towards their targets. The ultimate one being to jump into the Thames with a breeze block tied around their necks.

Let me make it clear – how I live my life; the amount of exercise I do, what I eat, drink, smoke (or not) is up to me; it being my body and my life. It is no one else’s business and I will do everything in my power to keep it that way.

So, fuck your targets.


  1. On independent radio you get ads for something called “Change for life” which hector you to search for their website so that you can be hectored again. There has also been the annual shit about giving up fags for October but now they have added a new one suggesting that we give up drinking for October as well. As my favourite radio station is Planet Rock, I’m sort of stuck with this kind of stuff. On the other hand, they never play anything by James Blunt and they don’t have to use radio edits in case somebody complains that they heard a rude word.

    Nowadays I don’t drink or smoke, have a healthy diet and take regular exercise, but I still hate these people, especially as I suspect that most of them are hectoring me at my own expense.

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