So That’s Why…

It’s because of religious illiteracy, apparently…

Ahmed also claimed that a key reason that Islam is not the subject of more humorous discussion is that the life of the Prophet Muhammad is poorly understood by large sections of the British public. “How can anybody tell a joke about Muhammad when they don’t even know how to spell his name, let alone anything about his life? The day we have people standing up and telling detailed jokes about Muhammad and have the audience understanding that humour, then we will have come a long way in society and we will have a lot more religious literacy about a major world figure.”

Er, when people can crack jokes about this dark ages warlord who violently imposed his ridiculous belief system on others by sword-point without his followers taking mass offence, taking to the streets to burn flags and effigies, demanding apologies and making death threats because their daft religion has been insulted, then maybe I’ll consider the religious illiteracy aspect. Until then, no, I won’t. People don’t crack jokes about Islam because Islam has no sense of humour. Not to mention because they tend to value their lives and liberty.


  1. and with the news just released last night that Somali muslim jihadist have made an hour long threatening video to UK muslim leaders who “allegedly” spoke out about the murder of Lee Rigby, and all of those named now offered police protection, I do not foresee much stand up humour or jokes about MooHamEd in the near future either.
    If Citizen Kahn (the BBC’s latest foul situation comedy aimed at the Muslims ) is anything to go by I would rather put salt and pepper on my own feet and eat them for lunch. It is banal, trite and ridiculous as an attempt to reassure us all Muslims have a sense of humour it fails miserable.
    So don’t worry no one will be making any attempts at muslim based humour any time soon, I think even Frank Carson and Bernard Manning would be hard pushed to get a laugh out of a muslim joke, because they just are not funny and neither is their vile satanic religion.

    • I confess………..that I do watch Citizen Khan. It’s a curates egg and a bit silly but it does have its moments when it is funny. Having a convert as the Imam though is taking the ginger jokes to another higher dimension of absurdity. I like Miranda as well. There is no hope for some of us……………..I’ll get me coat!

      • I love Miranda she makes I chuckle, but thats because she IS funny 🙂
        Sorry I just can NOT agree about Citizen Kahn but then life would be very boring if we all liked the same thing.
        I just find the lady who plays his wife was funnier in Eastenders and the rest of it just does not make me smile, not even a corner turn or my mouth and I love comedy and am a bit of an aficionado. Although generally speaking I do prefer older comedies.

  2. And that’s from the BBC’s head of religion, not some random CiF lunatic.

    Just one more reason why you shouldn’t be paying the licence fee.

  3. From Andrew’s comment, this Ahmed chap is the BBC’s head of religious affairs, right so he is not going to be putting a pro-Islam slant on the job, what is it, 4% of the population and they are having their views put out by the nations biggest broadcaster. The sooner they go commercial the better.

  4. From a Muslim friend of mine who is really into (English style) self-deprecating humour:

    “What do you call a good looking Muslim man?” Asif!

    “Why do Muslim men wear beards?” Because they want to look like their mothers

    • You don’t need to know anything about the life of Mohammed to understand those jokes, Penseivat, just have stereotypical views of Arabs. However, you do need to know about his life to appreciate the following:

      What do teddy bears and Mohammed have in common?

      They both sleep with children.

      What is the difference between the Prophet Muhammad and Michael Jackson?

      One is a pedophile child rapist and the other recorded six platinum albums.

      Many westerners do not have a clue who Mohammed was. Many think he was similar to Jesus and are helped in their delusion by western politicians like Tony Blair who tell them that the Muslim faith is beautiful and that Mohammed “had been an enormously civilizing force”. When non-Muslims learn that Mohammed, this major world figure, was a pedophile, bandit and murderer they’ll lose any respect they may have for Islam and Muslims. How can any rational, intelligent person believe that a god would choose to use such an utter scumbag as the means of his (or her) revelation? Either Mohammed is a megalomaniac charlatan or Allah is dumb tosser of a god who is not worthy of reverence (I favour the former explanation).

      • Either Mohammed is a megalomaniac charlatan or Allah is dumb tosser of a god who is not worthy of reverence (I favour the former explanation).

        I’m going with the former. As there is no evidence that Allah ever existed outside the delusional imaginings of Mohammed and his followers, the latter is nigh on impossible.

      • ‘… western politicians like Tony Blair who tell them that the Muslim faith is beautiful and that Mohammed “had been an enormously civilizing force”…’

        I don’t think there are that many who still attach much credence to the ramblings of a cynical self-serving hypocrite with a messiah complex.

        Were this a sane & honest country, he would have been sectioned long since.

  5. Just like the christians, in fact.
    Who are the “good” muslims?
    The sunni murdering the shia, or both of them murdering the ahmadi, or any of them murdering other believers & unbelievers?

    Just like christianity in the period 1209 – 1668 (approx) in other words

      • Agreed, LR, but unfortunately a barbarous misogynistic patriarchal megalomanic middle ages religious zealotry equipped with twenty first century weapons technology is a rather dangerous mixture.

        As we’re finding out…

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