He Has a Point

Jobs are a market.

The boss of Domino’s Pizza should “probably pay his staff a little more” if he wants to recruit extra workers, the UK’s immigration minister has said.

Chief executive Lance Batchelor has complained that he has been unable to fill 1,000 vacancies since migration rules were tightened up.

But minister Mark Harper said Domino’s should “reflect” on salaries, adding: “It’s a market.”

The problem seems to be a recruitment drought. Frankly, I would no more want to work for them than I did for Sainsbury’s and if I was desperate enough, the job would be strictly temporary from my point of view (as it was with Sainsbury’s). So, as is often the case with these low-paid shitty jobs, there is a high turnover as people move on as fast as they can to better things (given that just about everything is better).

Harper is right – if they can’t recruit, then perhaps they aren’t sufficiently attractive to potential candidates. Upping the salary might make a difference. If that is economically unviable, then they need to rethink their business model. It’s a market and markets can be very unforgiving. It isn’t up to the government to get involved – even though, in this instance, they are because they have imposed a minimum wage and have directly affected the flow of migrant workers, which was helping to keep wages depressed in the shitty dead-end part of the job market.

Can’t say I have a great deal of sympathy with either party frankly.


  1. XX Upping the salary might make a difference. If that is economically unviable, then they need to rethink their business model.XX

    Depends who they wish to employ.

    Some illegal, hot bunking 15 to a room, no bills, no poll tax, no bloody nothing, ESPECIALLY NO BLOODY MORTGAGE, then they will take two bob an hour, “And they wus ‘appy!”

    When my Landlord/Mortgage company, energy company, local Safeways, poll tax Stasi, etc, start accepting crappy illegal immigrant payments, I will be willing to work for illegal immigrant wages.

    UNTIL that point, they need to pay a “living wage,” which, in my opinion, allows you to do a bit more with your cash than be merely a Bru-leech.”

    I want to have a bottle of (reasonably priced) Rum with my dinner once in a while, and not sit back on the tax payers wallet and swallow Buckies/white lightning/Red Bull cocktails all day.

    And if I am working all day I thinkl I bloody DESERVE it!

  2. My sympathies are with Dominoes as long as people are bleating that there are no jobs available.
    Higher wages just means more expensive pizzas. Followed by less jobs.

    • The market is subtly shifting, I think. Once again, it will be the jobseeker who has the upper hand and employers will find themselves competing for them. So, yeah, wages will go up and so will the price of the product. That’s the market, though.

  3. I noted that nowhere in Batchelor’s rather condescending rant was any mention of the shitty zero hours contracts which Domino’s almost exclusively uses within thier network.

    THAT is the real scandal here. These wankers deserve to be put out of business.

    • I wasn’t aware they did zero hours contracts, though not particularly surprised. I don’t have a problem with the principle – I only get excised when the employer insists on exclusivity. For the worker a number of casual arrangements that suits their needs can be a good thing – a bit like my arrangements with a number of clients.

  4. On a personal note, my one – and definitely to be the only, ever – experience of a typical range of their products was that they’re the worst I’ve ever experienced. “Inedible” gives them the benefit of the doubt.

  5. The legally mandated basic wage should be abolished, no legislative intrusion in this field is necessary.
    The labour market is like any other market and should be allowed to find its own level. If a company offers a wage below which no-one wants to work for, they will increase the wage until people apply for the jobs. It’s how companies stay in business, and how they earn money to pay their workers. Lots of workers? Low wages because of high demand for jobs. Fewer workers in the market? Pay more for them to get them to work for you.
    It’s called supply and demand.

    • Utter Bollocks
      As LR says – if they have got it worng, then their model is broken.
      However- ever heard of”The race to the bottom”?
      Exploitation is not pretty.
      One of the few things that ought to be, erm, “discouraged”, shall we say/

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