Not the Religion of Peace

If a violent death cult made up by a crazed, paedophile medieval warlord can be a religion, so can a made up scifi religion. And now they have the court case to prove it.

The UK’s first Scientology wedding is set to go ahead after the Supreme Court ruled the church’s chapels are “places of worship”.

Well, yes, what is good enough for all the other fantasy superstitions is good enough for the Scientologists. They have their belief system same as the others, so why should they not be included? And, let’s be fair, it ain’t any more odd than anything else any of the others believe – and, frankly, given that L Ron Hubbard lifted much of his work from existing sources, it is much the same anyway.

Besides, you don’t get Scientologist jihadists strapping bomb belts to their bodies and blowing up innocents. You can always say no the them when they ask you to do a personality test on Tottenham Court Road and they will accept it politely. And while, like all religions, they want to spread their belief around the world, they won’t do it with the gun and the bomb.

As a final thought, I’ve been to a Scientologist wedding. It was a bit bizarre and definitely not an experience I am looking to repeat.



  1. A cult is a religion with not a lot of followers
    A religion is a cult with a lot of followers.

    I mean, look at the insanities that christians are supposed to swallow!
    Next -try any other religion for lunatic “beliefs”.
    Game over.

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