Have They Nothing Better to Do?

Clearly not…

Doctors analysing the Ian Fleming novels show James Bond polishes off the equivalent of one and a half bottles of wine every day.

They say he is not the man to trust to deactivate a nuclear bomb.

Doctors in Derby and Nottingham sat down to read the 14 Bond novels in their spare time.

With a notebook at hand they charted every day and every drink.

It’s not the alcoholic’s addiction that worries me here… That these twats have nothing better to do than chart how many fictitious drinks a made-up character in a book is supposed to have consumed is worrying. Not least given that Bond survives rather more dangerous things than that and gets away with it.

It’s fiction. Entertainment. It isn’t real. Unfortunately, the anti-pleasure health fascist obsessives are all too real.

They say the study is light-hearted, and did not interfere with their day jobs, but raises an important message about alcohol.

No, it doesn’t. It tells us you are merely health fascists.

“The level of functioning as displayed in the books is inconsistent with the physical, mental, and indeed sexual functioning expected from someone drinking this much alcohol,” the doctors said.

That’s because it is fiction. Not real. Made up. Much like the government’s recommended safe level of units of alcohol.


  1. Many of the biggest smokers and piss heads I have met in my 50 years have been those of the medical profession, Be it Doctors or Nurses!

  2. ‘They say he is not the man to trust to deactivate a nuclear bomb.’

    Seven seconds was cutting it a bit fine, though, to be fair, he did have a lot of grief from Odd Jobsworth.

  3. One Winston Churchill (a real character children, not the dog in the Insurance adverts) used to have Champagne on his Cornflakes rather than milk of a morning, and carried on steadily from there. He managed to defuse Nazi Germany quite successfully though didn’t he?

  4. ‘They say he is not the man to trust to deactivate a nuclear bomb.’

    and they are?

    Pretentious tw&ts!

  5. The other day I saw a guy wearing a jacket with a Jack Daniels logo emblazened across the back. Above the logo in inch high letters it said “Pace yourself. Drink responsibly” on an effing jacket. I shook my head in disbelief. When I heard this story on the radio news I thought it topped even the jacket.

    The forces of hectoring have come up with a new idea since their nagging people to give up alcohol for a month was pretty much ignored by everyone. Now they are nagging you to get people to sponsor you to give up alcohol for January to raise money for cancer charities. I would have thought that raising money to combat liver disease would be more appropriate but presumably most people who have liver disease actually deserve it.

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