
Never in a million years.

I have two motorcycles (one used exclusively for training) and both have plenty of luggage capacity. I have a car for those occasions when the bikes don’t cut it. Never, ever, in my lifetime or the next would I try to cart stuff around in one of these abortions. And carry human cargo? You have to be joking.

So, er, the answer to the question posed by the Indy’s headline is an emphatic “no”. Next?


  1. Oh come on LR, it’s a marketing puff piece for a minority product. Love the BS tagline; “Parents in the UK are going crazy for the load-carrying cargo bikes.” Total carp.

    Sales as high as ‘two per week’ are hardly likely to cause traffic chaos are they? If they were that great, I’d have clocked at least one or three in Amsterdam last year. The Dutch do lots of bicycles. They’ve even got a massive bicycle parking problem.

    In Britains lumpy topography those things would cause more cardiac arrests per mile traveled than a diet of Double Supersize whopper burgers.

  2. Any merchant banker who carries kids unprotected in something like that needs to be shagged with a ragman’s trumpet.

  3. “Parents in the UK are going crazy for the load-carrying cargo bikes.” – Translation “I saw a couple in London”
    Crappy ignorant lifestyle “journalism”. I pity whatever poor kids are made to ride around in that abortion Viz Comic’s “Modern Parents” has come true.

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