One Reason

Why I am very fussy about my charitable giving.

Leading charities have defended the income of their chief executives after research revealed that the number receiving six-figure salaries at Britain’s 14 biggest foreign aid charities has risen by nearly 60%, from 19 to 30, over the past three years.

On the occasion that I am able to donate money, I want it to go directly to the cause I am supporting – not the bank account of some third sector fat cat (see what I did there?). And, any charity that steals money from me via taxation will never get a penny of voluntary donation from me either. The concept on which the principle of charity is founded has long been lost in what has become an industry that sees the executives doing very well, thank-you very much – not to mention getting to lobby politicians to hector and nag us about our lifestyles.

So, small independents run by volunteers; yes, very much so. Large lobbying (sometimes fake) charities that can afford television advertising and over-paid executives? Fuck off!


  1. I pointed out to our landlord that their charity auction on Christmas Day was in support of CRUK, a pernicious bunch of goons who were that afternoon advertising abstention from alcohol.

    I’d not give these pecksniffing, milquetoast, quivering puritans the steam from my piss.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly Panorama did a very interesting investigation recently into this charity con.
    2 of the worst offenders were Comic Relief and Amnesty international.
    It was shocking to see how these charities behave.
    I only donate now to RNLI and The poppy appeal, I never ever give to anything else.
    These charities have become big business and invest in things they should not be investing in, the amount paid to CEO’s and employees is ridiculous and they also have , like the BBC, made ridiculous payout and placed gagging orders on former staff.
    It disgusts me that charity has become so corrupt and is indicative of the greed in our society the worst offenders are the overseas aid charities especially given the amounts already donated without our consent from our taxes.
    I struggle to feed and clothe my own family I sure as hell am not donating to foreign aid when the Government see fit to do that already to the tune of billions of pounds a year, money that should be spent on our elderly and our NHS not sent overseas to countries that would blow us up India and Pakistan are prime examples they don’t even want our aid money but we give it any way.

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