Defending the Indefensible

Chris Mullin writes in CiF in defence of Denis MacShane. Apparently, despite ripping us off while troughing at Westminster, this charlatan was a good egg really.

Oh, really?

This Labour pecksniff was all too ready to foist identity cards on us and use every tired and discredited argument to do so – indeed, he wrote articles extolling their virtues in his attempts to foist this illiberal scheme upon us when he was in government – all the while stealing our money.

So, this drivel is nothing more than doublespeak:

If there is one consistent theme that runs through his life’s work, both as a journalist and as a politician, it is active opposition to totalitarianism and racial prejudice in all its forms.

The man is a totalitarian – a lying, thieving totalitarian and I suppose that it is typical that one of his fellow troughers should leap to his defence.

He got away lightly with six months – out in three and a regular Guardian column no doubt already lined up.

For all that he is the author of his own misfortune, I take this opportunity to salute him.

So do I, with both fingers.