If it Wasn’t so Serious

It would be funny.

The opt-in filters also deny access to the Parliament and Government websites and the sites of politicians, including Claire Perry, the MP who has campaigned prominently for the introduction of filters.

A part of me wants to laugh – another wants to weep. So Perry has been hoist with her own petard and that’s a good thing, but doubtless this will not change her attitude. Likewise that moronic fuckwit Cameron.

…demands from David Cameron that telecoms companies act to stop children “stumbling across hardcore legal pornography”.

No one stumbles across hardcore pornography you ignorant, self-righteous, pompous puritan twat!


All existing customers of major ISPs will eventually be asked to choose.

So we will have to confess to our ISP that we like to watch pornography – because that will be the default assumption taken by anyone with access to the information – not that the filters can and do (as this piece points out) block perfectly ordinary sites – or, that what an adult watches is no one else’s fucking business and what a child watches is a matter for the parents, not the fucking government.


  1. In my many years (getting on for 20) of using the inter webs, I have never “stumbled upon” pornography of any kind. I do not seek it out as I do not find it in the least interesting. That said, I wouldn’t foist my interest/lack of interest on anyone else: chacun à son goût and all that. Although I must say I draw the line at anything involving children or animals.

    What I do object to is overweening idiots spouting drivel about things which they don’t understand – nay, which they are incapable of understanding – and dressing up their visceral desire for more & more control with a cynical “Please think of the children”.

    Shame I don’t have the religious conviction common in the 13th century – as the thought of Cameron, Millipede et al facing an eternity as depicted by Hieronymous Bosch does bring a certain smile to my face…

  2. Captain Beefheart in reference to Claire Perry.

    ‘ Tell me Captain how does it feel, to loose control of your steering wheel? ‘

    I know it is a serious intrusion into personal liberty but to quote another showbiz celebrity Ruby Wax,

    ‘ I love it when technology goes wrong! ‘

    Hey Claire! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA ( ad infunitum ) :mrgreen:

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