Nasty Little Bansturbators

This time it is e-cigs – well, it has been for a while, it’s just another round in the ongoing battle with these vile control freaks.

Restrictions should be placed on the sale of electronic cigarettes to prevent them being bought by children, according to an MSP.

Ah, yes, the last refuge of the scoundrel, the “for the children” canard. So, will he be able to provide evidence that children are buying them? And if there are one or two, is it the swathes necessary to justify such restrictions?

Oh and this nasty little cunt and his bansturbator friends don’t stop with children – I am at risk as well, it seems.

Health campaigners have said their growing popularity could undermine years of anti-smoking efforts, with particular concerns about promotion to children and non-smokers.

Yeah, because I am so shallow that I can’t resist a bit of advertising or a shiny packet, can I? FFS! Let’s be clear here – this is not – and never has been – about health.This is about prohibition of unapproved behaviour. This is about people doing something that these evil control freaks and bansturbators have spent decades denormalising. They cannot bear the thought that people are defying them and doing it openly. This has fuck all to do with children or we non-smokers falling into the trap of buying e-cigs – because we don’t. This is all about – and always was – stamping on the little people who dare to defy the puritanical tyrants in the health lobby – and despite them lobbying on health grounds, it has fuck all to do with health and everything to do with control, which makes the term “health lobby” somewhat oxymoronic.

But others have argued the electronic alternative to tobacco could help save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Research suggests about 1.3m smokers and ex-smokers in the UK use the products, which are designed to replicate smoking behaviour without the use of tobacco.

And the bansturbating health fascists cannot have their big pharma puppet masters put out by the competition can they? Not least, because unlike the chewing gum and patches peddled by the pharmaceutical companies, there is growing evidence that e-cigs really do help with smoking cessation. So, they are a health benefit in that they help people cut down and quit. But, no, these scum would rather people smoked tobacco than switch to another product – a product they don’t produce and approve. So, I repeat, this has nothing to do with health.

It cannot be right that these nicotine-containing products can be legally marketed and sold to children.

And are they? Really? Or is it, that there simply isn’t a problem because they are not being marketed and sold to children? And this is merely another scumbag control freak salivating at the thought of a shiny new ban and is using “think of the children” as the usual clichéd excuse?

There needs to be firmer rules on what exactly is permitted…

Ah, yes, the oft heard cry of the scumbag prohibitionist bansturbator, so often trotted out wherever there is a risk that somewhere people might be enjoying themselves. Whatever it is you do and enjoy – out there somewhere is a control freak who does not approve and wants to ban it. Whatever happened to letting us live our lives as we see fit, to buy and enjoy the products we choose? Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

These people are scum, vile, evil scum.


  1. This is no great surprise this is another little nobody politico looking for a band wagon to clamber upon for his 5 minutes in the headlines.
    We know by now from experience that these nasty vile little people have an inflated self image they went to university they got a degree ergo they are much much more intelligent than the rest of us (this is not the case of course) but they see it this way and because of their own pomposity and self image they feel we are all the lowest of the low and not to be trusted with our own lives.
    I think they see themselves as The Avengers, special beings put here to “protect the mere mortal” from self and perceived harm.
    I suppose they figure by now they have dumbed the majority of the populace down to Wayne and Waynetta Slob level so now it’s okay for them to treat us all with such contempt of course they have the leftie university graduate guardian readers to reassure them they are fantastic, doing good and will go to heaven for their caring concern.
    Of course we know what they don’t that not everyone is dumb enough to fall for advertising and a shiney packet, but the trouble is our politicos have, thanks to the like of Alistair Campbell and other spin doctors finally become aware of how powerful a tool advertising can be and now think it is so dangerous because “They KNOW” about it that we can be swayed that easily. Politicians always live in yesterday so they have not caught up with the rest of us who when we see an advert and really are not the least bit interested in what it’s flogging, merely shrug and walk away.
    They will continue to bash us over the heads with their “dangers of advertising” mantra until they finally wake up and realise the only people impressed by adverts anymore are them, give it 50 years or so they may have moved on to the next latest fad, 50 years too late.

  2. I was delighted to see you lose your temper with the jizzmop Stewart Maxwell.

    Bereft of a real job of work, he invents things to do with money that has been confiscated from the productive members of society. this annoys me somewhat, as we are at the time of year when I am forced to take leave because I was too busy to do so thus far, bringing in export money to be squandered on polyps like him.

    Only a thumb-sucking congenital idiot would think that a child would find an e-cig remotely cool. I can imagine ol’ Stewart, rubbing his prepuce until it’s red raw, dreaming up new ways of controlling people, ‘for their own good’.

    • I despise and hate these people with a vengeance. There is no lie, no appeal to the mob that they will not stoop to in order to control other peoples pleasures. There is no evidence whatsoever that this product is marketed at children and non-smokers, nor is there evidence that these groups are buying them. That there is not a problem doesn’t stop these evil people from trying it anyway.

      As a lifelong motorcyclist, I’ve come across this type before – they want to ban me from riding for my own good, because in their arrogance and conceit they assume that they are greater arbiters of my welfare than I am myself. They are not and never will be. They are the effluence of humanity.

  3. Hear, hear.

    What I found interesting about that article most is that the guy quite obviously knows next to nothing about e-cigs. It’s like a road sweeper pretending he is an authority on the intricacies of the stock market.

  4. Potatos, peppers, aubergines and tomatoes also contain nicotine. Does this twit also think it isn’t right that these can be lawfully sold to children? As part of government-mandated “health” programmes, these vegetables (amongst others) ARE specifically marketed to children whereas, in my experience at least, e-cigs are not and never have been.

  5. I seem to recall that one particular local council was wanting to ban e-cigs citing passive smoke inhalation and fire risk. Since there is no second hand smoke or fire risk from e-cigs, you would think that those who are so concerned for all our wellbeing would welcome the things. But no, the problem is that all their efforts to legislate real cigs out of existence will all be for nought if people can just use e-cigs instead. As a non smoker I have no desire whatsoever to try e-cigs. I also know of smokers who are using them to help in quitting.

    Sorry to be OT but have you seen the story about the ship full of climate change alarmists that got stuck in Antarctic sea ice? The funniest part is the MSM trying to keep their reporting of the story to the absolute minimum that they can get away with, while at the same time spinning it away from having anything at all to do with climate change alarmism.

  6. Excellent article Longrider! I particularly like your citing that anti-ecig activity – all the banning and trashing is NOT about health but about high and mighty moral crusaders.. and as you say, “prohibition of unapproved behaviour.”

    True, all the disgusting political posturing by our elected representatives is attracting the media; something they crave…but it will backfire because the whole thing has at least gotten the attention of the world. Millions of smokers who never knew about e-cigarettes (and there are still people living under rocks), now know they have a safer alternative that’s still readily available. What’s more, professional pro-ecig bloggers, (ahem) are unstoppable! 😉

    Rated 5 stars and Stumbled. Cheers! Here’s to a Vaping New Year.

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