The Guardianista and the Kippers

A fairly reasonable article in the Groan about the erosion of Labour support to Ukip. All pretty straightforward, you would have thought – a particular demographic disenchanted with the big three is drifting into the arms of Farage and company.

The interesting part is below the line where the spittle flecked ad homs abound Cries of racism, fruitcakes and so on. No amount of reasoning with these imbeciles works as one lone warrior tries and fails. For, faced with reason and evidence, they simply resort to ad hominem.

The point is, the authors of the original article are merely making an observation; that Ukip is appealing not only to disenfranchised Tories, but the old working class Labour supporter who feels let down by the PPE graduates who have never soiled their hands with a day’s work in their sordid little lives.

Never mind that. Never mind observations or factual analysis of the trend being observed. Let’s froth at the mouth and accuse those who dare to disagree with the progressive orthodoxy of being racists and fruitcakes. And we will jump up and down and scream a lot while we are doing it, just in case people don’t take any notice of us – for that is what these cretins are doing in what is supposed to be a discussion, but in reality is little more than a kindergarten playground. Who, then one wonders, are the fruitcakes here?


  1. “Who, then one wonders, are the fruitcakes here?”

    Indeed, yet these vociferous evangelistic lefties are not just fruitcakes, they have been allowed to become dangerous fruitcakes due to the general apathy, disinterest and tribal-voting-for-a-label of the population as a whole…

  2. Isn’t it remarkable that those who most push for ‘PC-ness’, frowning on the use of colloquial ethnicity adjectives, (the ‘p’ and ‘n’ words etc.), taking mock offence at any use of a label on their ever-changing inappropriate language list, are the first to pile on the derogatory and pejorative language on those who differ from their one-world view?

  3. Abuse is now the order of the day . Did you hear the LBC (yesterday Wednesday ) “conversation” with James o’Neil ? It was an almost demolition monologue against Nigel Farage and the xenophobes of UKIP.
    Disgraceful and astonishing . Is he really paid to do that ? You can hear it on the LBC site I think .

  4. The current Ukraine situation is highlighting the lack of real world experience of the PPEs in the UK and the Community Organiser in the USA, hopefully this will serve as a wake up call that the current political parties have been taken over by the press officers and that we need people who can produce substance and not messages as political leaders.

  5. UKIP is the Tories on steroids. It was founded after the Tories threw out Thatcher and in the wake of the Tory implosion over Maastricht in 1992. It is the natural home of Tory backwoodsmen.

    UKIP will do well in the European election because it’s a protest party and everyone is pissed off with the near uniformity of policy between the three main parties. But any attempts by UKIP to woo Labour voters would be as futile as a fox trying to persuade chickens that he would protect their interests and would not eat them.

    UKIP is the party for Tories who think that Cameron is a commie. Fair enough, there needs to be a party for wild-eyed nutters. But trying to pretend that UKIP is a party that transcends ideological realities and can attract support from across the political boundaries is beyond moronic. Protest votes are protest votes. They do not indicate how someone will vote at a general election. UKIP remains a large threat to the Tories and a very minor threat to Labour.

      • Believing in things that are transparently false, such as Cameron being a lefty, is objective evidence of being a nutter. Considering the sort of brickbats libertarians throw at socialists, I’d say “nutter” is pretty mild by comparison

  6. “The point is, the authors of the original article are merely making an observation; that Ukip is appealing not only to disenfranchised Tories, but the old working class Labour supporter who feels let down by the PPE graduates who have never soiled their hands with a day’s work in their sordid little lives”

    Well I can understand how such Labour voters feel. I feel pretty let down by the present right wing, scared of saying anything remotely controversial, Labour Party populated by rent-a-gob PPE graduates. Having got my degree at Oxford, I know just how thick a PPE graduate can be. But that’s scarcely going to drive them or me to vote for a party of revanchist Tories, who no more represent our interests than does New Labour. It would like chickens voting for the fox in preference to the farmer.

      • How do you know what “demographic” I am? I work to keep a rood over my head and were I struck down by illness and could not work then I would be in serious financial difficulties after a few months. That qualifies me as working class. I can speak only for myself but UKIP’s brand of conservativism is is not in my material interests.

        • Sigh…

          Having got my degree at Oxford…

          The original article – had you bothered to read it – discussed blue-collar workers who had not got a tertiary education. So, by your own statement, you are not the demographic they were talking about.

  7. “Let down by the PPE graduates who have never soiled their hands with a day’s work in their sordid little lives.” Exactly so. According to my stepdaughters, who graduated in the last two years from two of the better red brick universities, the PPE students were always the ones boycotting, bussing out to protests en masse, dressing up as anarchists to smash shop windows and getting hot under the collar to demand state led ‘solutions’ to every perceived grievance.

    The sad thing is that these low experience political types think they are the fount of all wisdom and are determined to bankrupt everyone else to prove it. The UK public are increasingly sensing this, and so are looking for opinions more in keeping with their own instincts. From conversations with friends and family still in the UK, at least in our eclectic little sample, many seem to view UKIP as being the most realistic option at upsetting the political fat cats game of ‘Buggins turn’.

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