It’s Called Freedom of Speech

As Tom Paine bemoans the loss of free speech in this country, we are reminded of that loss in the Indy.

Gail didn’t think she was a racist, but then she would say things like, “Muslims find the way I am offensive, but I’m offended every time I see a bin-bag wander down my street”.

Frankly, I find it offensive as well. The misogyny behind the garb, the brutal primitive belief system that sees women as chattel owned by men. And only today in that bastion of freedom that we created in Iraq, they are planning to bring in Ja’fari law that allows women to be married off as young as nine because it is Shar’ia and therefore is a “must”. Yes, I find that deeply, deeply offensive – especially so when the bin bags with eye slits are paraded in a UK street. I do not, however, seek a ban to protect me from this offence, nor do I propose invading Iraq to change the regime. Now wouldn’t that be a unique idea? Why hasn’t anyone thought of that before? We could be in and out in a matter of weeks. Doddle.

And we should be able to openly say that we find this behaviour and belief system offensive to our sensibilities, without some lackwit shouting “Islamophobia” (there is no such thing, of course – it is another tool to shut down dissent, nothing more) – which from the underlying tone of the piece, Grace Dent does not believe – for there is the “Gail does not think she is a racist” line. It is clear, here, that the implication is that she is a racist for expressing those views and calling someone a racist for daring to voice a contrary opinion about Islam is the usual way of stifling dissent, of shutting down free speech.

Freedom of speech means that we get to speak as we please – to openly express our opinions. Opinions that others might find offensive. To which, the response – the correct response – is, “too bad, get over yourself.” For opinions and words are just that. Islam is an offence to humanity. It should have died along with its vile prophet sixteen hundred years ago – for that is where it belongs; in the empty fly-blown deserts of long-forgotten history. It has no place in a modern society – and, frankly, neither do any other of the Abrahamic belief systems, rooted as they are in the primitive and the superstitious. You would have thought we’d have grown out of this cack by now.

But, y’know, folk still want to believe that stuff. So, let them. Let them say what they want. And let those of us who disagree, do so openly. For that is what freedom of speech means – that those who hold their beliefs dear have no right to be shielded from offence when someone points out that their beliefs, their traditions and their culture are vile, misogynistic and primitive – and have no place in a civilised society, whether it is slitting animal’s throats to please some mythological entity or cutting bits off children’s genitals..

Didn’t know about this though:

“the Muslim plan to stop me smoking in the street”.

My, that smoking thing, it gets everywhere, doesn’t it? Maybe smoking causes Islam…


  1. Gail didn’t think she was a racist, but then she would say things like, “Muslims find the way I am offensive, but I’m offended every time I see a bin-bag wander down my street”.

    Muslim’s are not a ‘race’ therefore you cannot be racist towards them . Another example of the ROP successfully equating religion to race in the reporters eyes

      • I think, like expecting a proper use of the word ‘decimate’, expecting accuracy on this from the MSM is a forlorn hope…

        • Sadly , most dictionaries these days include the definition ‘to destroy a great number or proportion of:’ as a valid use of decimate.

          Collins Dictionary

          decimate (?d?s??me?t)

          — vb
          1. to destroy or kill a large proportion of: a plague decimated the population
          2. (esp in the ancient Roman army) to kill every tenth man of (a mutinous section)

          [C17: from Latin decim?re, from decimus tenth, from decem ten]

  2. “Muslim’s are not a ‘race’” quite so but they tend to be from a colour coded groups who have suddenly appeared in towns where they were not once. And nobody is allowed to talk about this. Hence the code.

    • I think the vast majority of UK citizens have long stopped judging people by the colour of their skin and most non-Muslim immigrants to western countries have no difficulty embracing enlightenment values. Many people do feel, however, that a cult, invented by a murdering, pedophile bandit, which demands the right to reject western values and live by its own medieval ones is a poisonous influence on western society that we’d be better off without.

      • “…the vast majority of UK citizens have long stopped judging people by the colour of their skin …”

        Doc, so-called “racism” has hardly ever had anything to do with skin colour.

        The vast majority of UK citizens however do not happily accept the imposition of an alien culture, especially when it is encouraged to supplant their own.

  3. XX Gail didn’t think she was a racist, but then she would say things like, “Muslims find the way I am offensive, but I’m offended every time I see a bin-bag wander down my street”.XX

    What “race” is “moslem?”

    (They HATE “Moslem” apparantly they see it as an insult. 😀 )

  4. When it comes to the “religion” of permanent offence I really don’t know if it genuinely is a tiny minority or its the old joke of the 90% getting the rest a bad name. I’m not sure if it really matters. What I do know – minority or not – is the bowel shattering stupidity of alowing themselves to be the most useful of useful idiots.Everybody who is likely to read this is well aware that that is what muslims (in this country at least) are.

    Of course, the vile left wing creatures who have created, nurtured and exploited this offence are even more stupid. They have that most profound stupidity of the politically motivated and the professional propagandist – they believe that they control the forces they create.

    I’m sure that somewhere, some unfortunate British town will become some mini caliphate. I’m sure that everybody else will be driven out and they will then get the 7th century paedophile theme park they seem so desperate for.

    And then they’ll wake up one morning and find there’s a wire fence round it. They will have created their own ghetto into which “moderate” muslims will then be encouraged to move. And I’m sure it wouldn’t be too long before the cattle trucks start turning up.

    I honestly think this could happen. It doesn’t have to happen first here of course but the sheer disgusting, arrogant and debased vileness that is the basis of “true pislam”, this rabid, shrieking hatred for is determined to provoke some reaction. The one I describe seems the most likely!

    Or am I just wishing it? I’m not so devoid of self criticism that I can deny this.

    But will we have a choice? It simply cannot and will not be reasoned with.

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