1. Read this story this morning went OFFS, contemplated Blog about aforementioned, thought to self, wtf is the point Blair is delusional HE Blurgh caused this and needs a fire arm up shot up his jacksee.
    Plus his pointless ramblings make me want to go and kill him dead with a 6 month old well rotted kipper to the back of his smarmy bonce.
    Fucking moron, no doubt soon he will be wanting to put my son in harms way again as Al crackers re run over Iraq.
    If he had never interfered Iraq would still be a stable country managed by a man who knew how to keep these shits in line.
    And still they don’t learn and are attempting to do the same in Syria, funny then how 90% of the population of Syria voted FOR Assad in the recent elections.
    Perhaps it’s about time that these Western Governments stopped thinking they know whats best not only for us but for the rest of the world too and left everyone alone to manage their own shit.
    They are the problem they cause the problems and they make the problems worse……
    Blair is a 2 faced moronic little twat with a superiority complex and a very very short memory of how HE LIED AND LIED TO START A WAR.
    Now Hague wants to give ANOTHER 3 mill of our hard earned cash to Iraq ffs when will it all be over.
    Pie in the sky imaginary friend or not ROLL ON THE BLOODY APOCALYPSE and put us all out of their self inflicted misery.

  2. Liam Fox says we should not rule out intervening in Iraq. Liam Fox is a twat – but then he won’t be the one being shot at, will he?

    Here’s a reminder about what I think of Liam Fox : http://dioclese.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/dear-liam-fox.html

    And notice how good Hague is at offering at give away OUR money. It’s none of our business and, frankly, I couldn’t give a flying if a load of rag heads slaughter each other in a foreign country.

  3. The man’s a raving fuckin lunatic, one of the most dangerous people in the world, proved time and time again.

    But far from being locked up in an asylum for the insane, his ravings are instead faithfully reported and, incredibly, seem to be taken seriously, on top of that he gets paid a fortune to spout the tripe, what the hell is going on.

    I sometimes wonder if the whole bloody world’s gone stark raving mad.

  4. The man’s a raving fuckin lunatic, one of the most dangerous people in the world, proved time and time again.

    Absolutely correct. Both he and Gurnin Gordon belong in a rubber room, but people in their millions voted for the cunts and will vote for Mr Ed the Talking Horse’s Arse next time too. It’s enough to make you weep!

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