Shut The Fuck Up!

People in the UK should stop being “bashful” about being British, the prime minister has urged.

My sense of national identity – or, more generally, the lack thereof – is none of this cunt’s business. I will not be lectured about such things by a fucking politician.

Mr Cameron wrote that in recent years, the UK had send out a “worrying” message: “That if you don’t want to believe in democracy, that’s fine; that if equality isn’t your bag, don’t worry about it; that if you’re completely intolerant of others, we will still tolerate you.

Er, yes, actually. Providing people do not act upon those beliefs to the detriment of others, they can believe whatever they want to believe, that’s what we call freedom of conscience. I don’t believe in democracy – it has given us the mess we currently have. I don’t believe in equality because we are not equal and there are occasions when I take the Jean Paul Sartre approach to my fellow man – hell is other people. So, I’m not British according to the Camoron’s view of Britishness.

In the wake of Ofsted’s findings, Mr Cameron said “British values” included: “A belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law.”

In the wake of the Ofsted findings, there is a point to be made about integration and multiculturalism – but here, there was a detriment to others, so intervention is justified. However, the “British Values” shtick – especially from a facile, vacuous talking head who has allowed the intolerance of liberty to flourish on his watch is worthy of nothing more than derision. If politicians had any values whatsoever – let alone British ones – they would all resign immediately and make way for real people who have done real work and have had to endure the consequences of their policies. But that ain’t gonna happen.

These were “as British as the Union Flag, as football, as fish and chips,” he wrote in the newspaper article.

Oh, fuck off with the worn out clichés already. Next he’ll be exhorting us to join up and fight the Hun. Fucking idiot.


  1. It’s enough to make you want to throw up, it really is! And, Mr Cameron, just for the record – I won’t tolerate intolerance, so there 😈 !

  2. Funny how everything Camoron says sounds like BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH he really could drone on for England…OH NO wait he does!
    I am tried of this nonsense I am currently unsure whether to vomit or scream or even maybe both.
    As I always say to my other half, the only thing wrong with the UK is it has people in it.
    I really don’t like people very much at all.
    Present company excluded of course.

  3. This just shows where such fucking idiocy goes. There’s no such thing as a “British value”. There’s some odd Britishisms, like talking about the weather, and eating sandwiches in cars at the seaside, but most of those values are just “liberal democracy”.

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