Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither

A lesson from Benjamin Franklin who definitely got it for that arsehole Liam Fox who does not.

Yesterday its cheerleader, the former defence secretary, Liam Fox, was unequivocal. There were people going about saying the state had too much power in Britain, he said, while “pretty much the rest of us say the state must protect itself”. We had “better start to reconsider” whether liberty was more important than security. This is dangerous talk.

Simon Jenkins is correct here. Fox is a vile authoritarian scumbag using a spurious (frankly non-existent) threat to justify ever more state powers, ever more erosion into our liberty and privacy and ever more of our money stolen to pay for the security apparatus. He can fuck off, frankly. Liberty is way more important than security. If the balance tips the other way, we become the very thing we are trying to protect ourselves against. And, frankly, one of the things we need to protect ourselves from is the fucking government. We have far more to fear from a state that is too big, out of control and security crazed than we do from a few disaffected jihadists.

The idea that the Isis action in Iraq poses a threat to the British state is ludicrous. 

Quite. If any Jihadists return with a view to causing problems here, use the law to arrest, charge and try them. If not, leave them alone. And certainly leave the rest of us alone. There are those hard of thinking cretins who want the state to protect them. Well, it can’t. The only way that it can is if we sacrifice all of our liberties and live in cages controlled by the state. I don’t want to live like this. I want to take my chances and be free. I want the government to get out of my life, leave me alone and no, absolutely not, make me safe. The biggest threat I face is David Fucking Cameron and his liberty hating comrades.


  1. It seems that everything they do is another stick to beat us with. I am reminded of Ronald Reagan saying “the nine most dangerous words in the English language are; ‘I’m from the government, I’m here to help you.'”.

  2. Who was it who said: “Remember – the State is not your friend.” Never a truer word spoken.

  3. Surely the only halal way for a Muslim to fly is on a donkey?

    Can’t Imam Cameron get one of his mates with more clout ‘in the community’ to issue a fatwa on flying?

  4. “Time to resurrect Regulation 18B, methinks”

    I’m intrigued, Greg. Regulation 18B of ….?


    ”Can’t Imam Cameron get one of his mates with more clout ‘in the community’ to issue a fatwa on flying?”

    Along similar lines (although I realise that your suggestion was made somewhat tongue-in-cheek, Jim), I’ve often wondered whether Islam has anything similar to Catholic excommunication. Does anyone on here know? Because if “bad” Muslims could be expelled from the Islamic faith by senior good Muslims and not allowed to practice their faith any more or call themselves Muslims, they’d immediately lose the main excuse that they currently use for carrying out their atrocities. For sure, some of them are probably just nasty pieces of work who’d do dreadful things anyway, but at least they wouldn’t drag the Islamic faith into disrepute whilst they were doing it.

  5. Fox:- “…the state must protect itself”

    Indeed:- not protect us, it’s citizens and cost bearers, but itself
    …and of course, this means those carpetbaggers who form the state.

    I heartily concur with LR that the state and its apparatus is a far greater threat to me than any supposed terrorist or terrorism.

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