It’s Not His Money

Fucking appalling.

Any new law would commit the Government to spending more than £12billion annually.

And Cameron thinks this is a good idea. Fuck the UN. We should not be spending any money on foreign aid. Sure, immediate help in an emergency as that is the decent thing to do, but pissing away billions of our money on other countries is not. It is wrong. It is immoral and it should be stopped. Immediately. It is not their money to give. If individuals want to send money abroad then let them. So give us our money back and let us decide for ourselves how it should be spent.


  1. Would be better if the reporter could get his basic story right: “…0.7 per cent of national wealth of foreign aid.”

    “…OF foreign aid…”?

    I think he means ON foreign aid; but you are right – it should be stopped. If Johnny Foreigner cannot get his act together, who are we to support him financially in his many, many failures? Stop sending the money, NOW, and the problem will eventually resolve itself.

  2. I discussed this with my MP sometime ago. Complete waste of time – they have no concept of who provides the money they throw around with gay abandon. The idea that they actually work for US is not one they understand.

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