On Yer Bike

Tony B Liar has crawled out of the woodwork.

A global drive is needed to tackle the roots of extremism by making education systems in all countries teach respect for other religions, Tony Blair says.

No it is not. Fuck off! I do not respect religions. Any of them. They are nothing more than made up codswallop – primitive superstition. There is nothing to respect. So take a hike.

Sure, I respect your right to believe in any fantasy you choose. Freedom of religion and all that, and I would vigorously defend that freedom. But respect your beliefs? Nope. Never gonna happen. And nor should anyone expect it.


  1. Just when you thought it was safe to surface, up pops that arse again.

    Hasn’t he done enough damage in his greedy lifetime, there should be a global drive to ignore the cunt.

  2. Like myself, you appear to be an unbeliever LR, I suppose that you have noticed that the likes of us are off Blair’s list of those who deserve to be respected.

      • Sorry – you are not clear.
        Are you in favour of allowing the sale of the head-dresses, or not?
        My own opinion is that “Mr Round” is an illiberal, narrow-minded fuckwit.

  3. As Blurgh invited all the terrorists into the UK personally I think he has a bloody cheek.
    His illegal war in Iraq helped quell the roots of extremism worldwide too.
    I respect their right to worship a satanic, abusive, warmongering 12th century loon as long as they are doing it elsewhere.
    I have a belief system but it’s mine and I don’t ram it down others throats and I sure as hell don’t DEMAND others follow my beliefs.

  4. The best way of countering extremism would not be sponsor it in the first place,, eh, Blair. Western policy has been geared towards encouraging Islamic extremism. In the case of Afghanistan, the West deliberately sponsored the most extreme Islamists they could find, because they were the ones who fought most ferociously against the Soviets. In other cases, the West has help the Islamists indirectly, by supporting the larcenous despots in charge of these Middle Eastern countries, thus allowing the Islamists to portray themselves are “liberators”, and gather support that way. Saying touchy-feely things about religions is not going to make a blind bit of difference. The damage has already been done. This will have to play itself out over the next 30 years. Let’s just not make it any worse. So no more “interventions”. Just stay the fuck away from the Middle East. Besides our masters in Westminster tell us there is no money left, for useful things like libraries, so there sure can’t be any money left for jingoistic willy waving gunboat diplomacy in Syria and Iraq, now can there?

  5. I would be more likely to accept Blair’s comments on respecting others religions if he spoke about it in Saudi Arabia, that Mecca(!) of religious tolerance. If he was still alive, he could then drag his battered body to Syria and share his thoughts with IS. Until then, I shall continue to think of him as a devious tw*t who should be shut away in the Tower of London.

  6. Like Blair even respects his “own” religion – before the Iraq war Blair converted to Catholicism… in the run up to Iraq he met the Pope, who disagreed with the invasion and told him – the Pope – that he was wrong.

    All praise Tony Blair! Only he is the true messiah! – and f**k what the Pope thinks…

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