
Why is this verminous piece of shit still residing in the UK?

The cartoon of the Prophet Mohamed on the cover of Charlie Hebdo’s first edition since the massacre has been described as an “act of war” by a London-based Islamist cleric.

The cover depicts the Prophet with a tear falling down his cheek, holding a sign reading “je suis Charlie”, replicating the phrase used on banners, stickers, clothes and social media as a show of solidarity in the wake of last week’s attacks.

But radical preacher Anjem Choudary said “ridiculing” Mohamed is attacking his personality, calling the latest cartoon “extremely serious”.

Well, yes, it is an act of war. We are at war and the sooner people get used to it, the better.

To depict Mohamed in this way is “attacking the honour of the Prophet” as most Muslims do not draw or depict him in any way because it is deemed to be sacrilegious, Mr Choudary said.

Which is fine – if you are a Muslim. If you are not a Muslim, it doesn’t apply. Choudary may well be an expert in Sharia law – for which read; an incompetent, misogynistic and primitive system that has no place  in the modern world. But Britain is not an Islamic theocracy, neither is France. Therefore, ridicule of his prophet is within the law and should remain so. Sharia does not apply.

Mr Choudary described Charlie Hebdo‘s cover as a “blatant provocation” and claimed insulting Islam and Muslims is “part of the war that is taking place”.

Yup. Get used to it.

Immediately after the the Charlie Hebdo massacre last week, Mr Choudary wrote an open letter entitled “People know the consequences” where he argued that “Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression” because they submit to the commands of Allah alone.

Fine. You can live by those rules if you like. Indeed, one of your fellow Muslims has some excellent advice for you on the matter – fuck off to some third world shit-hole  that practices the lack of freedoms that you so desperately seek. Shoddy Absurdia would be just such an example of how they deal with pesky freethinkers.*

“And if you don’t like it here because you don’t like the humorists who make a little newspaper – if I may dare say so – just f*** off,” he declared.

Precisely. So let’s give Choudary his passport back and a one-way ticket to Syria.

We  are not Muslims – so see above; your rules do  not apply to us.

*I was approached before Christmas about working in Saudi. My response was very short.


  1. Mr Choudhary only lives in the UK, because if a gobshite like him actually lived in a country run under Sharia, he would have been stoned to death years ago.

  2. “ … they submit to the commands of Allah alone.”

    Except that they don’t, do they? How many of these people have actually been personally contacted by Allah with specific instructions as to what they should do? None. Zilch. Zero. Nada. No, they actually submit to the commands of a bunch of people who get them to commit acts of extraordinary violence by extracting tiny phrases from the Koran, interpreting them in whichever way suits their own – extremely human – ends, and then convincing those less bright or less powerful than themselves that this is what it means. It’s the oldest religious trick in the book: select some people who are already predisposed to do what you want them to, proclaim (as an only-too-mortal human being) that you have a stronger “hotline” and a better “understanding” of what God (or Allah, or Jehovah – take your pick) really wants, and then just convince them to act on it “because God says so.” The leaders of Christianity used to do the same thing (and sometimes still try to – yes, Westboro Baptists, I’m looking at you), until grass-roots Christians wised up to the trick, realised that in fact what they were being “instructed” to do wasn’t what God wanted at all, and don’t (generally speaking) fall for it as easily any more.

  3. Spot on Jax except for the bit about tiny phrases in the Koran. There are actually reams and reams of intolerant rants about slaughtering unbelievers in the Koran. This is why claims that genuine Islam is a religion of peace won’t wash. The genuine Islamists are the violent ones that are carrying out the instructions in their violent book.

    • As I understand it, ‘religion of peace‘ is in fact a misinterpretation due to Arabic and English not always yielding to accurate translation. I believe that a closer translation, or interpretation is actually ‘religion of submission‘.

      Which makes more sense, really.

  4. So what? Who cares if monkey-boy gets offended about being called on the actions of a caravan raiding, child molesting rapist and murderous thug called mo who was able to con a pack of desert bandits 1400 years ago?*
    Chuck him out, rub him out, who cares for him or his opinions.
    * All as told in the koran and hadith, where mo is ‘the perfect man,for all times and places’ My sacred arse!

  5. If the government had any backbone at all they would revoke his passport and shove him on the first plane to Syria see how he likes living under sharia law there.
    Chourdary can clearly sense the winds of change and is in panic mode, he is peddling his vile bile precisely because we have free speech and this is what he forgets, if Muslims ruled the land would we be afforded the same luxury that he is allowed, no of course we wouldn’t but it’s okay for him and his ilk to use our freedoms against us to his own ends.
    I was appaled to read a piece by that lunatic Medi Hussain today
    and this is the man who influenced Labour and was close to Millipede.
    I also note that the US is about to appoint it’s first Muslim to the security council…well there’s a shrewd move eh, put a Muslim inside your secret plans to deal with Terrorism. Only in America can the elect a Muslim president and then appoint Muslims to monitor secure operations against Muslims.
    Choudary knows the government won’t do anything against him, he thinks he is untouchable, because he knows the freedoms we have and want to protect are the same freedoms that allow him to keep on hate preaching.

  6. Whether or not Ahmed Aboutaleb has told extremists to “fuck off” out of political expediency or out of sincerity, I applaud his public statement.

    However the other side of the coin, Choudary and his fellow-travellers – are a totally different matter.

    Q. Why is he still in the UK?

    A. Because the UK’s ‘leaders’ are a spineless bunch of onanists, far more concerned with a) their own ‘right-on, PC’ image and b) their comfortably-off existence & future.

    They are sublimely indifferent to the fact that they are supposed to reflect the views of the majority in this country, and act in the interests of that majority. And before the PC brigade start screaming about ‘mob rule’, that is utter sophistry & bollocks. ‘Mob rule’ is what happens when the viewpoint of the Murdochs of this world are left to mis-use the power * influence they have, and this only happens because of the spineless inaction of our ruling élite.

    Hopefully we have reached, or are reaching a watershed in British politics and we just might see a sea-change in our leadership.

    However, the establishment is so entrenched. I won’t hold my breath.

  7. With Choudary involved, I wonder if we may yet see a sectarian angle emerging. As I understand it, Sunni and Shia attitudes to images of Mohammed differ somewhat, particularly in whether retaliation is called for (although, in a welcome outbreak of common sense, some leading Sunni authorities have called on Muslims to ignore the latest drawings).

    When Choudary talks of war and ‘insulting Islam’, it is his own brand he has in mind; he and his adherents do not regard Shia Muslims as ‘true believers’ and have been doing their best to stir up discord between the two groups in Britain. With abundant media attention up for grabs, they may yet use this issue to further fan the flames of sectarian conflict in the UK.

    The best comment on this may well be the 2006 ‘Charlie Hebdo’ cartoon of a weeping Mohammed lamenting the activities of his fundamentalist followers: “It’s tough, being loved by arseholes”.

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