Taking the Piss


I’m not sure I have anything much to add that the comments below Omerod’s unbelievably idiotic article have already said (and they are all pretty much in agreement). But there seems to be a meme here, one the Guardian has naturally latched onto, to emasculate males and forcing men to sit down to pee is merely the latest example of it.


  1. The evisceration of Ormerod starts right from the very beginning, which is good to see. My favourite is this one: “How can you possibly aim at passing insects if you are sitting down?

  2. Men get their domination from being able to pee standing up. Wow. Who would have thought that those thousands of years of brute strength would have been negated if women has only had one of those little plastic tools that allow them to pee standing up.

    Another modern man. No wonder we are doomed.

  3. Peeing standing up is the last bastion of manhood. Tis our right to spray around the bowl washing off pieces of crap. If denied this right, man will no longer be man. Although my wife moans mightily bout the last dribbles befouling the mat, I will continue on, unabated. Arse.

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