They are neither a state nor Islamic.
You can argue whether they are a state or not and I don’t much care either way, but they are Islamic. When idiots such as David Cameron witter on about ISIL being a perversion of Islam, he demonstrates a staggering degree of ignorance. Islam is a warrior religion. How, exactly does he think it spread across the Arabian peninsular? Via kindly missionaries preaching the word? No, it was by sword-point. Convert or die. ISIL are merely going back to the original text. They are the true followers of Islam in the raw regurgitated form of the “religion of peace” it is a religion of war – violent, misogynistic and intolerant. I despise ISIL with all of my being, but they are honest at least.
That very same point is made rather eloquently here:
Why are the politicians so determined to push this message? Do they really think that the true British will take to the sword and clean out the stable?
Cameron ought to be starting a thirty year programme of de-Islamification, beginning in the schools. “You are British now and this Mo chappie was a bad egg, what!” They have done a pretty good job of teaching our kids that homosexuality is the preferred lifestyle and are well on the way with the Climate Change scam so it CAN be done. The ONLY place for the Koran is in the reference section of a university library but in the meantime our children should be shown how it is a self-contradicting text, so hardly ‘god’-given and therefore Islam is demonstrably false.
The distinction must always be made between Islam and Muslims. The former is false and a doctrine of evil and the later are misguided and most likely are under duress and need our help to become free.
I should add that it looks likely that Cameron/May will soon make it a crime to offend ‘British’ Muslims as the ‘extreme’ position of telling the truth about Islam might ‘radicalise our replacement population.
Cretinous, mendacious, having no regard for indigenous Brits, anxious to don a facade of being a bleeding-heart liberal, concerned only with himself…
Yes, this tw@t truly is “The heir to Blair”.
“…Via kindly missionaries preaching the word?”
Actually, it was through coffee-mornings and a well organised network of outreach centres. Oh, and murdering people…
Could believe that Cameron came out with this crap : “Don’t call them Islamic State because it’s insulting to Moslems”
The official line was being towed this morning by Fallon when he consistenty referred to them as ISIL
And who was Cameron directing these instructions to? The BBC…
What a twat.