
Corbyn wants to apologise for Iraq.

While I agree with him that the whole thing was a horrible misadventure – and, like him, opposed it from the very start, it is not for him to apologise. Such a gesture is meaningless. He was not responsible, therefore, it is not his place to apologise. The only person who can do that and it to mean anything at all is Tony Blair and I’m not hanging around for the sun to go supernova for that to happen.

So, we can expect more gesture politics for the Islington lefty if he wins. Oh, what joy.


  1. At least, unlike Tony, Corbyn reaslises that the Iraq war was wrong. He may be a twat but – again unlike Tony – there’s no evidence so far that he’s a cunt.

    • Given that he would return us to eighties socialism, rampant tax and spend and penury, he’s in the running.

      For a man to get to his age and still believe in a failed ideology despite all the evidence suggests retarded development.

      • I don’t recall much socialism going on in the 1980s in Britain. As for “retarded development”, surely that applies rather more cogently to middle aged libertarians, who are still acting out an adolescent hostility to authority?

  2. Give the man Corbyn his chance and opportunity. That the whole of the mainstream media and New Labour is slagging him off says to me he knows how to do something to upset their cosy control, if he wins the Labour leadership contest.

    It’s not the bad old days of Labour and Trade Union support power coming forward to the future that the establishment is concerned about. It is dealing with us if we like what Corbyn actually does as Labour leader, that worries them.

    • I know for a fact I don’t like what Corbyn stands for. The people who will like what he stands for are those who will be on the receiving end of his taxpayer funded largesse. Those who think that they are owed a living and that it should be funded by those who work hard and earn a good living. The danger for us who are seen as branches of the magic money tree is that there are plenty of people who feel entitled to a free meal and would happily vote for one.

      • Indeed.And having read Janet Daley’s account of life under Comrade Jezza in the seventies during his tenure as a councillor, I want nothing to do with him or his ilk.

  3. The BBC just ran a story about several distinguished economists saying that Corbyn’s radical plans for the economy were just peachy.

    • I saw that. So student union politcs is now “radical”. Corbyn’s insane economics have been tried. Multiple times. They have failed. Multiple times. The very definition of insanity is to keep doing the same stupid things over and over and hoping for a different result next time. The man’s a fucking idiot. What’s worse, is that the media doesn’t challenge this insanity.

  4. Well if “twat” means principled person who is prepared advocate policies to help those left behind in neo-liberal Britain then you’d be right. However twat more accurately describes the average sociopathic Tory/Liberarian.

    • I can never be sure if you are a clever troll or a bit thick. If the former, well done, I hold my hat off to you. I marvel at the way you wade in, piling logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy having not bothered to take into account the point being made. Positively brilliant. Although, disappointingly, you haven’t tried to blame Thatcher this time. Must try harder.

      If, however, you really do believe the juvenile crap you spout, then there’s not much can be done for you – it will need a large dose of personal responsibility and you won’t get that from the state.

      principled person

      Best bit of unintentional humour I’ve seen all day.

  5. How are policies that have a proven track record of failure going to help anyone? As for those left behind, maybe if they stopped expecting the state to solve all their problems using other people’s money they wouldn’t be. I’m not rich, but everything that I have I worked for and bought and paid for myself. I also don’t like stupid people telling me how to live my life. All this makes me a sociopath does it?

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