No, It Doesn’t Make You A Bad Person

Not offering one’s home to a refugee. The crisis that is the tide of humanity fleeing the middle east has given an opportunity to the moralising holier-than-thou leftists who hate our country and everything that we are. Julia Hartley-Brewer has been accused  of being a bad person because unlike the bleeding hearts, she has stated that she will not be offering up her home. Well, I guess that makes two of us, because I won’t either.

You probably think that makes me a terrible person. Indeed the man I was sitting next to on a TV news programme yesterday definitely thought so.

After an on-air discussion about how Britain should deal with the Syrian refugee crisis, as soon as the cameras were switched off, he turned to me and said: “I think you are a f–––ing awful person.”

The only fucking awful person here is the arsehole who said it, not Hartley-Brewer. We are not beholden to our fellow man. If we act charitable, that is a good thing. However, what we have here is a swarm of aliens who come from a culture that is violently opposed to our own, that hates what we are, who we are and see us, unbelievers, as less than human. So, while I have sympathy with those who wish to flee, I will not be offering up my home. The solution to this is not about how many refugees we take in – or boasting what nice people we are because we care; it is rooted in the Middle East, that boiling cauldron of discontent, petty hatreds driven by violent religious  extremism  and outright insanity. No, I don’t have a solution – beyond shunning the Middle East in its entirety – but I do know that offering a home for refugees is no more a solution than it is  ego rubbing for the self-righteous, sanctimonious and pompous.

We need to resolve the problem at source and make it possible for Syrians to return to their own country – by whatever means necessary – not by making token gestures to make ourselves feel nicer.

Well, yes…

That said, I have no stomach for a drawn out war, either.


  1. There’s a poll showing on Hartley-Brewer’s article that 92% wouldn’t offer a room.

    Just watching C4 news featuring a retired teacher who is making available an extremely comfortable spare bedroom which I’m sure would be equally appreciated by the local homeless to whom it evidently hasn’t been offered.

    Petition 106477 continues to gather signatures.


    • Would they enter someone’s house with a sense of gratitude or a sense of entitlement?

      I’m rather curious how Muslim ‘refugees’ will react to host families drinking alcohol and having bacon sarnies.

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