
Some while back, South Gloucestershire Council did away with the green bin service – unless householders wanted to pay extra for the privilege. This quickly became dubbed the green bin tax.

My reaction was that they could fuck right off. If they weren’t going to collect the  green bin any more, so be it. I will not be paying them extra as I pay them more than enough in the extortion that passes for council tax. There are plenty of places they can cut back before they do away with one of the few services I actually use. Well, used, that is.

So, the outcome was that my grass cuttings now go in the black bin and end up in landfill.

Today we get a flyer from our MP who advises us that since the Conservatives took control, they are phasing in a reversal of the policy. Not least, because more green waste is finding its way into landfill.

The council have recently disclosed that since the introduction of the Green Bin Tax more green waste is ending up in landfill than before it was brought in.

Well, duh!


  1. Add Wiltshire Council to your list, £40 per year from this summer. Perhaps they and other councils around the country will eventually come to the same conclusion.

    • “…the Ministry of Not Thinking Shit Through…”

      Too many words.

      “the Ministry of Not Thinking”

      There fixed it for you – although that covers pretty well every ministry and/or department.

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