That’ll Be A First

The Department for Transport said “common sense decisions” were needed.

I await this with interest, if not bated breath. Anyone who has endured the misery of around twenty miles of narrow lanes and speed restrictions on the M1 will, likewise.

A DfT spokesman said: “Our road investment strategy will deliver the biggest upgrade to Britain’s roads in a generation and secure our transport network for the long-term.

“But as it is delivered we’ve got to respect the drivers who use our roads every day.

“That means taking common sense decisions to minimise frustrations wherever possible.”

Well, quite, so stop talking and get on with it. And, while you are at it, lets stop the absurd closures in the event of  an accident while the police decide to investigate possible criminal activity; holding up miles of traffic. Take some pictures, then get the obstruction off the road and the traffic moving as quickly as possible. Investigation can come later.


  1. The RCMP and our local Police are good at RTA’s. They turn up, take pictures with the recovery truck waiting, and direct traffic past the incident. Why the UK Police have to block off whole roads for over two hours at a time has always made me wonder. Must be one of those box ticking exercises.

  2. Perhaps the DoT would be kind enough to phone up the arses who have currently contraflowed over 30 miles of the M3 just so they can work on about 600yds of it…

  3. Having gone through the roadworks on the M3, always at times when no-one is working, they really are annoying. Not to mention that the average speed cameras which mean that I have to an keep an eye on the speed I’m doing rather than concentrating fully on the road around me.

    Can’t see the DoT changing guidelines any time soon though.

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