And You Can Fuck Right Off, Too

Kerry McCarthy.

Meat eaters should be treated in the same way as smokers and targeted with ad campaigns urging them to become vegetarians, according to Labour’s new spokeswoman for the farming industry.

Kerry McCarthy, who has admitted she is a “militant” vegan, was appointed shadow environment secretary in Jeremy Corbyn’s front-bench team, alarming countryside campaigners who warned that her veganism and strong opposition to hunting and the badger cull would harm Britain’s farming industry.

She said that although progress had been made to improve animal welfare, ultimately people needed to give up meat or dairy if they really wanted to protect animals.

I… just… Oh, just fuck off, you vile cow.

That slippery  slope is looking pretty damned slippery right now, isn’t it? There is no end to the control freakery of these evil people. How fucking dare she?

Words fail me at this point.

No, I am not going to stop eating meat. No, I am fucking not going vegan. Stick your diet where the sun don’t shine – it might make you a more pleasant person.

Mind you, this was the creature who wanted all men in Bristol swabbed for DNA in the wake of a murder. So I’m not holding out much hope.


  1. When I saw this story I thought ‘I wonder if Longrider will pick this one up’, and of course you didn’t disappoint. I’m a vegetarian and this woman makes me want to go down to the pub and order steak and chips. Still, look on the bright side, Veggies are a minority so the daft woman is alienating most of the electorate with this kind of tripe.

  2. Kerry McCarthy would seem to be lving proof that veganism turns you into a mentals case. I wonder what nutrients her brain is missing out on.

    What a fuckwit.

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