The usual suspects decide to parade their ignorance in Manchester.
Tens of thousands of people have joined an anti-austerity protest in Manchesteron the opening day of the Conservative party conference, voicing opposition to policies including spending and benefit cuts, NHS reforms and restrictions on trade unions.
These self-righteous fuckwits don’t know the meaning of the word “austerity”. A government (quite rightly and not nearly enough) spending a little less of taxpayer’s money than previously, is not austerity. Austerity is what my parents went through – rationing, lack of basic goods and no luxury goods. These morons, twittering and Farcebooking on mobile phones are not, repeat, not, experiencing austerity. And, frankly, anyone who has these gadgets is not poor, either.
When you are short of money, you stop fucking spending like it’s going out of fashion. The current government has taken a very small step in the right direction. What it should be doing is slashing and burning the largesse of the state, reducing it to a much smaller level; ceasing all third sector spending, all foreign aid and getting rid of unnecessary government departments. And, if they did, it still wouldn’t be austerity. What it would do, is start to balance the books. It will also mean the state will not need to steal so much of our money as it will no longer need to piss it up the wall.
…although a breakaway group pelted a young Tory with eggs, and spat at journalists and called them “scum”. The egging incident took place on Oxford Road as young delegates wearing Tory party conference lanyards were surrounded by a group of protesters chanting “Tory scum.”
Probably done more for the Conservatives than their conference will.
Heh! What these morons who spout “democracy” seem to forget, is that democracy delivered a Conservative government. What they mean by democracy is getting the government they want.
Try to reprimand these protestors, and they will turn against you as they defend their right to free speech – they will staunchly expound: “I believe in free speech, but…” (To fill in: “…no-one should be allowed to say what we do not like to hear.”) Don’cha just luv’em, eh?
Not sure if Charlotte Church was being ironic when she held up her placard, though: “A Foolish faith in Authority is the worst enemy of truth.” (Albert Einstein)
Charlotte Church is naive and ignorant. She also spouts bollocks. Today was no exception.
Oh, well. I was hoping that I was wrong; what a pity such a pretty girl with such a lovely voice should have such flaws.
We are all flawed. Some more than others.
I think it’s brilliant. Whilst a few dumb lefties will say these people are Tory infiltrators and all the Lefties are wonderful (who organised the all night speakers I wonder), the rest of the sane population will see these sh*ts for what they are.
The general population would seem to be smarter than they are often given credit for; whilst resolutely lying to pollsters, they quietly voted in a Tory government because it was the best option in an uncertain world. The general public also seems to be euro-skeptic, anti-immigration, unfriendly to the Green Blob and generally suspicious of climate change claims. In the latter case, given the sudden new discovery of an incredibly huge source of isoprene (an anti-warming chemical), this would seem distinctly sensible.