From the race-mongering Guardian.
We’re all racist. But racism by white people matters more.
Says it all really. However, no, we are not, and no, it doesn’t.
Most white people don’t see themselves as racist.
Because we are not. The people who are, are the vile creatures that write crap like this in the Guardian. People who not only see racism where it isn’t, but do so through their own racist filters.
They can’t think of a time when they’ve negatively discriminated against someone on the grounds of their race. And they don’t see, in a concrete way, how their own race has positively affected them.
Because they haven’t and it hasn’t. Because this is the usual race-mongering shit peddled by the Guardian’s resident professional racists.
More than that, when people imagine a racist, they probably envisage a white skinhead sat in a pub ready to start a fight with the first black or brown person who walks through the door.
Nope. I think of arseholes like you.
In fact, though, everyone – of whatever colour – is racist.
As part of a TV documentary I’ve been working on, I’ve seen how our brains have a tendency to automatically associate our own race with good and other races with bad, whoever we are.
Bollocks on stilts.
Psychological tests showed me this. I looked at the results of 2,846 British people who took an “Implicit Association Test”, designed to analyse automatic racial preferences.
Junk science using a statistically insignificant sample. So, gold plated, diamond-encrusted bollocks on stilts. Clearly this twat hasn’t come across confirmation bias…
Is Britain Racist? airs on BBC Three tonight at 9pm
Y’know, I think I’ll pass.
What’s depressing is that wankers like this are getting paid for this bollocks like this not only by The Guardian, but also by the BBC. Nice work if you can get it.
David Thompson’s blog is highly amusing in regularly exposing the twaddle written by Guardian columnists.
Personally, I think they’re ill.
For some reason the heading of this post reminds me of an old Slade song. Was this deliberate?
Yes. And anyone who got the reference is showing their age 😉
I got the reference – being from Wolverhampton. I never conceal my age (65): I take it as an achievement to have survived the last 40 or 50 years despite the best efforts of the loonies, the state and the so-called élite to reduce me to penury and a (mental) state of utter desolation. However, I frequently repeat to myself the words of a wiser ex-colleague who when beset by idiots in authority, would loudly proclaim “Bollocks to the lot of ’em”. A wise man indeed.
Yes I’m showing my age, I’m 57 and, like Ted, I don’t care who knows.