Made I Larf

Today’s steaming pile of idiocy.

Parents should drown children before they let them read the Harry Potter books because of gay character Dumbledore, an extreme right-wing pastor has said.

Well, I realise that Harry Potter is derivative claptrap, but that’s a bit harsh… What happened to the naughty step?

Then, came the closing comments that surely even Voldemort himself would not have dreamed up: “For tens of millions of parents it would be better that a millstone be hung around their neck and they be drowned at the bottom of the sea.”

Now I come to think of it, some of the children I’ve seen out and about… Oh, that’s not what he means, is it? Disney also gets a look in.

Let us not forget that Swanson is the same man who, in March 2014, declared Disney hit Frozen “very evil” gay propaganda. “You wonder sometimes if maybe there’s something very evil happening here,” he said.

“I wonder if people are thinking: ‘You know I think this cute little movie is going to indoctrinate my 5-year-old to be a lesbian or treat homosexuality or bestiality in a light sort of way’.”

Wow! I mean, just wow! This man has some serious issues. You cannot indoctrinate anyone into homosexuality, you simply cannot. You either are or you are not. But, I guess someone who has been indoctrinated himself assumes everyone else is similarly gullible. Meanwhile, everyone is pointing and laughing at the fool. Which, frankly, is the best thing to do with these religious fruitloops. We should be doing the same with  the Islamic nutters.

He believes Christians will one day be burnt at the stake by homosexuals but ended his speech by saying he wants to give the LGBT community time to repent before using the death penalty against them.

Nurse! Nurse!


  1. We pity the medieval excesses of the boor benighted islamic in stone-age countries, then an idiot like this appears to show that the problem ain’t entirely restricted to the backward ones. Where will it all end?

    • The difference is, Ted, is that we, as well as most Christians, can see that he is batshit crazy and our response is to laugh at him. In the unlikely event that he acted outside the law in pursuit of his beliefs, say beheaded a few gays, then he would be roundly condemned by all and sundry. By marked contrast, batshit crazy Muslims are not allowed to be laughed at, and when they act outside the law, other Muslims are sympathetic to their evil deeds.

  2. Clearly the good Reverend missed all that stuff in the New Testament where Jesus talked about that forgiveness stuff… I guess the Lord just picks his battles eh.

  3. ‘an extreme right-wing pastor’

    Why is he right wing? His beliefs appear to revolve around telling others how to conduct the most private parts of their own lives; that whatever they do within the confines of their own homes are not matters for themselves, and themselves alone, but for society in general to judge and pass sentence on.

    Sounds pretty authoritarian lefty to me.

  4. “You cannot indoctrinate anyone into homosexuality, you simply cannot. You either are or you are not.”

    But you can indoctrinate the young into believing that homosexuality is the highest form of existence and that the ‘rights’ of its practitioners trump those of all others. One might even think that the old man + woman = baby thing is unnatural now. (Will Self says that he doesn’t even know what ‘man’ or ‘woman’ means!)

  5. It’s a pretty devious form of indoctrination given that Dumbledore’s sexuality isn’t mentioned at all in the books…

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